Wednesday, March 9, 2011

10 Ways to Prepare for Chat Roulette

Chat roulette has become both a source of internet entertainment and means of meeting and socializing with people. It has also become quite competitive in nature. The competition involves trying to capture people’s attention and get them to stay viewing your video screen longer than a few seconds. So, if you want be a strong ‘player’ on the chat roulette sites, you’ll want to be prepared.
  1. Check your mirror. Chat roulette is all about the visual. What people see when they see your face is critical. Will it grab their attention, or will it turn them off so fast that they click next before you can even say hi?
  2. Check the camera. Camera positioning is also very important, particularly if you’re wanting to provide a full body shot or a lot of movement. You may want to do some test video before you actually go live on the site to make sure the camera will capture what you are wanting it to.
  3. Check your sound. Sound may be secondary to the visual on chat roulette, but it is still important. You’ll want to make sure that your computer’s microphone is picking up your voice clearly.
  4. Check your background. You’ve made sure that you look good for the camera but what will the camera be picking up in the background behind you? Will it be your messy bed or the posters hanging on the wall? You don’t want the viewer to be distracted or turned off by your surroundings.
  5. What’s your gimmick? There are thousands of other people on the chat roulette sites, in order to get someone to actual stop and spend some time with you, you must have something out of the ordinary that will catch their attention right away. It could be bright colors, it could be something shocking, it could be just how terribly gorgeous you are… but you’ll need something to grab their attention in just a couple of seconds. This is definitely the area to spend the most time on. Spend some time on the chat roulette sites to see what kinds of gimmicks others are using. Take note of which ones catch your attention. Pay attention to whether they capture your attention in a positive way or a negative way. Then come up with your own gimmick to attract the kinds of viewers you want.
  6. What are you looking for? This, of course, ties into your gimmick. What kind of response are you looking for on the chat roulette sites? Do you want to shock people or do you want to make them laugh? Do you want to make them curious about you or do you want to simply impress them in some way? Do you want them to just watch and enjoy or do you want them to actually enter into conversation with you? You need to decide what your goal is before you go onto the site.
  7. Compare different sites. Try out a few different sites to see the different types of people that you find on each one. Find one that seems to fit your profile and the variety of people you are looking for. Some sites are more family orientated and others much more adult rated in their content.
  8. Introduction. When you come in front of someone, what are you going to say? Whatever it is, it should be on the tip of your tongue and it should quick and easy to say. Remember, you only have a couple of seconds to get it out and it will also be something you’ll be repeating over and over again each time a new face appears on the screen.
  9. Continuing the conversation. Someone has gotten past the first few seconds of screen time without clicking on to the next person, now what? Are you going to continue the conversation or do you want to keep things moving and click onto someone new yourself?
  10. Did you use the bathroom? This may seem silly but, hey, it’s a reality of life. Don’t get all setup and ready for a good time on the chat roulette site and find yourself having to sign off for a bathroom break. Be prepared!
Actually you can have a lot fun on chat roulette sites just viewing other people, but if you want to be part of the action instead just part of the audience, spend some time preparing ahead of time.

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