Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Lenten Reflection

By Fr. George Canto, Pastor, St. Eugene Parish

Posted -14 second ago
As Christians, Lent is a time of the year when we prepare to celebrate the paschal mystery of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that is, His passion, death and resurrection. 

We spend this time in prayer, reflection, doing good works and our Lenten practices of alms-giving, fasting and abstinence.

One very important aspect in our spiritual journey as Christians is growing in our relationship with God and our fellow human beings. Growing in that relationship could entail conversion, turning away from our old sinful ways, self-denial and trying to live the Gospel values of love, mercy, compassion, kindness and many others. This season also calls us to repentance and newness of life.

Lent gives us the opportunity to "STOP, LOOK and LISTEN". We take time to praise God and think about our life; where we are heading and what direction we are taking. It is also an opportunity for us to look into ourselves and see if we are still in the business of doing God's Will.

As we continue our spiritual journey, we listen to God's voice inviting us to grow in our relationship with Him, with our neighbours and the whole of God's creation. We listen to His words in the Scriptures, guiding us to the right path so that we won't go astray and end up in a spiritual 'ditch'.


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