Inclusive, sustainable growth need of the hour
Assistant Secretary General, UN, & Regional Director (Asia-Pacific), UNDP
In the long run, inequality will come down, while in the short run, poverty will be addressed. But such a model, especially in south Asia where poverty still remains deep and where exclusion could be socially explosive, would be unsustainable. Far-sighted Asian leaders recognise the danger and want both fast and more inclusive growth.
Why has growth been less inclusive? First, growth has been increasingly jobless, and the employment growth has declined for the same level of economic growth. Second, growth has been uneven across sectors and locations. For instance, agriculture has been left behind — and in countries such as India and China, some regions have advanced faster than others. Policies too have relatively neglected the agriculture sector.
Third, globalisation — factors such as trade competitiveness, foreign direct investment and new technologies — has favoured demand for skilled labour. In some cases, labour laws also often discriminate against formal employment and encourage 'casualisation' of labour. Lack of access to credit for agriculture and small and medium enterprises and lack of social protection have all contributed to the exclusion of disadvantaged groups from the growth story.
Rather than trying to compensate those left out of the growth process, inclusive growth is about social and economic policies that focus on ensuring that the growth process better targets the inclusion of citizens into the delivery of growth as workers, entrepreneurs and consumers of public and private goods.
To complement national policies that target the inclusion of excluded citizens, there is also the need to ensure that the poor and vulnerable are able to tide over difficult periods. Within the inclusive growth approach, countries have successfully used instruments like conditional and unconditional cash transfers to make basic goods and services more affordable for the poor and vulnerable instead of using subsidies and tax concessions.
Social protection measures that induce institutional and structural change increase participation of an even wider cross-section of society in the growth process. Many Asian countries are now trying to widen and deepen their social protection programmes.
China has rolled out an ambitious rural health insurance and India's Mahatma Gandhi National Employment Guarantee Act is an attempt to enhance livelihood security of rural households. We do not need to go far to learn how inclusive growth can be achieved. Many Asian countries have remarkable successes to share. Vietnam comes to mind.
The country achieved 8% growth for a decade or so until 2008, with very little increase in inequality. Rural incomes rose as rapidly as urban incomes, as a result of efforts to increase connectivity to rural areas through all-weather roads and rural electrification, and a heavy focus on agriculture, both in food and cash crops.
China's remarkable success in poverty reduction during the initial years after systemic land reforms in 1979 was largely because of a sharp improvement in the terms of trade for agricultural products and an increase in public expenditure for the rural economy.
Similarly, when India's green revolution resulted in fast agricultural growth in the 1970s and the first half of the 1980s, poverty declined despite a relatively low rate of economic growth. For inclusive growth, we need to have a growth pattern that creates employment and the agriculture sector using the rural poor's unskilled labour is clearly the priority.
Also, given that the centre of economic gravity is moving towards nonfarm sectors and urban areas providing decent employment opportunities to all, particularly enhancing women's equality and empowerment would boost progress.
Twenty-first century globalisation is technology-biased and improvements in social and physical infrastructure would leapfrog modern economic development. Financial inclusion and social protection policies to protect the poor from economic and environmental vulnerabilities are an absolute necessity for stability and sustainable economic growth.
Finally, growth will not be inclusive if some groups are discriminated against, overtly or covertly. Empirical evidence across the world indicates that group discrimination is largely on the basis of caste, ethnicity, gender and religion. Leaving behind a large section of the population while some go ahead is not sustainable in today's world.
Leaving behind a destroyed environment as you hurtle forward with rapid growth is also unsustainable. As we gobble up the world's resources, rising food and fuel prices are estimated to have caused a drop in purchasing power of the bottom 20% of the population by a quarter. Inclusiveness and sustainability are interconnected.
The Rio+20 Earth Summit in 2012 will be an opportunity to address these issues systematically across the globe, but Asia can show the way forward. As Mahatma Gandhi said it so appropriately 70 years ago, "The world has enough to meet everyone's need but not everyone's greed."
By: Ajay ChhibberAssistant Secretary General, UN, & Regional Director (Asia-Pacific), UNDP
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