Monday, January 9, 2012

Limiting the infinite

B S Nishkinchan Maharaj | 
Jan 9, 2012, 12.00AM IST
In mathematics you have various types of number series, whole numbers, natural numbers, integers and prime numbers. However, one aspect is common to all, and that is infinity. All numbers in mathematics end in infinity. Infinitycomes from a Latin word that means unboundedness.

In mathematics infinity is often treated as a number, but it is not a number as it has a meaning. The Isha Upanishad confirms that if you remove a part from infinity or add a part to it, what remains is infinity. However, in the Indian system, two basic types of infinite numbers are distinguished, one on physical grounds and the other on ontological grounds - one is rigidly bounded and the other is loosely bounded infinity.
Perhaps whatever is not approachable or is not realised should be termed as infinity. Indian sages call the Supreme as Infinite. But that does not mean that the Supreme cannot be realised or seen by humans. He can be realised and comprehended, as He is Supreme.

Once Madhav Goswami Maharaj, founder of the Gaudiya Math, was travelling in Assam. At a multi-faith gathering, he was asked by an attendee: "Swamiji, have you seen Atma (soul) and Paramatma (super-soul)? Can anyone say that he has seen Him? I think no one has seen Atma or Paramatma, hence you are deceiving the world by speaking of them."

Srila Madhav Maharaj replied, "You are obviously a learned person. May i ask you a question? What is the name of the book you are holding?'' The man stated the name of the book. Maharaj replied, "I cannot see the name of the book. You are deceiving me." Then others came there and looked at the book's cover and confirmed that the man was telling the correct name of the book.

Srila Madhav Maharaj said, "I have my eyes and my eyesight is good. Yet i do not see what you say. You are collectively deceiving me, then? To me, it looks as though a crow stepped in ink and then walked on paper to make all those marks. I see nothing from here but a crow's footprints."

The one who posed the question asked, "Swamiji, do you not know Urdu?" Maharaj replied in the negative; he did not know how to read Urdu. The questioner retorted: "Then how can you expect to understand? You have to go through the alphabet and then you will be able to read it and understand. You have to earn the ability!"

Srila Madhav Maharaj replied, "You have given the answer to your question. Even if someone knows many languages, he will not be able to understand Urdu unless he has learned it. Even if one has good eyesight, unless he knows Urdu, he will neither be able to read the letters nor understand the meaning of those sounds. The same thing goes for understanding Atma and Paramatma. Even if one has great learning and experience in this world, unless he has specifically earned the qualifications to experience the Infinite, he will not be able to experience Him."

There are two kinds of vision, one based on veda-drik or knowledge and the other on mamsa-drik or simple sensual capabilities . The physical eye can only see physical objects and nothing else. Things that are beyond matter and the senses are self-regulatory and can only be seen with Divine blessings. Truth is revealed only in the heart of a surrendered soul. 

The year 2012 has been named the Year of Mathematics by PM Manmohan Singh.

The writer is joint secretary, All India Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math.

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