Thursday, December 2, 2010

WikiLeaks: Did US defend Pak, shielded ISI chief after 26/11 strikes?

US defended Pak, shielded ISI chief after 26/11 strikes?

NEW DELHI: In yet another Wikileaks disclosure, which could lead to awkwardness in Indo-US relations, a leaked cable suggests that the US might have tried to not just suppress information related to involvement of Pakistani agencies in 26/11 but also defend ISI. The cable from US embassy in Pakistanto secretary of state Hillary Clinton in January 2009 says "premature dissemination" of this information could escalate tension between India and Pakistan. 

"We are concerned that the India's premature public dissemination of this information will undermine essential law enforcement efforts and forestall further Indo-Pakistan cooperation. Our goal is not only to bring the perpetrators of this attack to justice, but also to begin a dialogue that will reduce tensions between India and Pakistan," says the cable. 

It's also clear from another cable sent in the same month that the US tried to shield ISI chiefAhmed Shuja Pasha from any fallout of investigations into 26/11 by India as the findings clearly suggested that ISI played a role in the attacks. The cable from the US embassy in Islamabad says India should be urged to delay the release of the information about their findings "until intelligence and law enforcement sharing with Pakistan (and with us) has been able to move forward". 

"If Pasha (ISI chief) is embarrassed, by what is essentially public dissemination without the Indians providing the results of their own investigation, it will undercut Pakistan ability to pursue its investigation, generate a public backlash in Pakistan and could undermine Pasha personally," it says. 

Yet another cable leak also shows that Pakistani army also blocked President Asif Ali Zardari's proposal to send ISI chief Pasha to New Delhi after the Mumbai attacks. The confidential document shows that the then British foreign secretary David Miliband had called Zardari asking him to send ISI chief to India, to which the President readily agreed. He, however, was overruled by the Pakistani army led by General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani. 


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