Tuesday, September 21, 2010

By Pete Kotz in Heroes, classroom creepiness
Monday, Sep. 20 2010 @ 4:13PM
Meet James Jones, today's recipient of our vaunted Occupation: Man award. He's a Lake Mary, Florida dad whose 11-year-old daughter has cerebral palsy. And since she's different, the other kids at her Middle School like to pick on her. Why? Because they're rotten little bastards...

For at least a month, they've been taunting her, hitting her and in one incident threw condoms in her hair. She reported it to school administrators, who say they took "appropriate action." In modern educator speak, that could range from yawning to mildly ferocious admonishment. 

So like any good father -- especially the father of a disabled girl -- he decided to put an end to it himself, invoking some Old Testament methodology.

Last week, as surveillance cameras rolled, Jones could be seen boarding his daughter's school bus, then asking the girl which little pricks had been bothering her. He approached the offending shitheads and not-so-cheerily remarked, "I'm gonna (expletive) you up. ... this is my daughter, and I will kill the (expletive) who fought her."

Then he approached the bus driver with an equally compelling message: "If anything happens to my daughter I'm going to (expletive) you up and everybody on this (expletive)."

Having made his sentiments clear, he then dared everyone to call the police.

Naturally, school officials were outraged that Jones had threatened to kill some middle school kids. Unfortunately, they were not so outraged when an 11-year-old disabled girl was being tormented for a month. So police arrested dad for disorderly conduct and disturbing a school function.

Jones has since apologized and called his actions appalling. To which we here at True Crime humbly respond, "fuck that, Mr. Jones."

A dad's primary responsibility in life is to protect his children. He tried the proper channels, and as is all too common, the proper channels went candy assed on him. So Jones took care of it himself, as God intended.

He didn't actually kill anyone. In fact, not a soul was hurt. But he did let the little pricks know that there are indeed bigger, badder men in this world who one should best not mess with. Thus, these precious young tykes learned a valuable lesson: Behind every seemingly weak little girl, there lurks a father readily willing to fuck you up. It's perhaps the most important lesson a young man can ever learn.

Our guess is that the little girl won't be bothered again. And to keep his daughter safe, all Jones had to take was a pinch for two misdemeanor. Based on our actuarial scales, he got a helluva deal.

So we salute you, Mr. Jones, for bringing some old school fathering to the fine children of Lake Mary, Florida.

It has been said, so it shall be written. James Jones, Occupation: Man.

See our last tale from the Occupation: Man file: Trooper Jack Thorpe, 100% Man, Rescues Kids From Beating by Abusive Stepmother.

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