Saturday, September 25, 2010

The simple living blog

How Much Is Enough?

2010 September 3
by Alex
How Much Is Enough

One of the challenges we confront in life is recognizing when we have plenty.
Frequently there are times when we believe we need more of something only to discover that we have had it right along. At other times, we feel our lives are lacking something. We feel an emptiness or a vacuum that we cannot describe.

That emptiness is usually a sign that we are missing something or do not have enough of a particular item in our life. That item may be family time, education, happiness or a myriad of additional things.

Do you actually have enough?
Let us view the basic, “do we have enough” mentality and find out how it is crucial in your life and how you may work toward accomplishing the most optimal balance to help you live your life to the fullest.

Love does not have to be a rich, romantic physical relationship that is normally perceive as when we consider love.
It may likewise represent the relationship you have with your loved ones, acquaintances, business associates or the community in which you live in.
Building up these relationships are crucial in all aspects of your life as they let you interact and get to know others better and comprehend who they are.
Do you love others enough?
Or are you being loved enough by others?
It all depends on how much you (not romantic) love others.

Do you often express yourself enough? Be it at workplace or at home?
How much do you tell those around you what is on your mind or your feelings?
Only too frequently we may be the best orators in the world when it comes to business or social interactions. However, once it comes to personal or family relationships, we are deaf and mute!
Talk and chat often and regularly to those around you.
Be sure that by your words and deeds you are doing something for people around you. Affirm them, console them, support them, and assist them with sincerity.
Do others communicate enough with you?
It depends on how much you communicate with others.

It appears that we have an enchantment with the measurement of time.
We often utilize the concept of time to delineate matters that we wish to happen, or want to happen.
We likewise believe that time is the delineating factor in whether or not we may do something.
How often have you hear from people or say to yourself, ” I am too old to be doing that,” or “If only this would come about, then I may do …?”
You are never too old to do anything. The only thing that is holding you back from doing something is yourself!
Do not allow time to hold you back in life.
There is always enough time to do something.
Telling yourself you do not have enough time is an excuse. And if you are one, it means you are actually not putting in enough effort in time management, and not that you don’t have enough time!
The creation of the measurement of time which is twenty-four hours for a day is enough for everyone.

Do you crawl into bed at night without worrying about exactly what will happen tomorrow?
It is essential to have faith in yourself in order to live a satisfying life.
Occasionally you need to let things happen naturally and not fret about them.
You have to trust that things will work out and be alright.
Do not waste your time vexing about what will happen next. Instead focus your energy on helping to make things proceed smoothly.
You only need to have enough faith in life.

Ask yourself, “Are you really happy?”
How many of us understand what felicity is? It is the quality or state of being happy.
Each of us defines happiness differently. It is what makes us unparalleled.
Search and find out what makes you satisfy in life and then work towards it and enjoy it.
Find out what makes other people happy and figure out how you can help and bring joy to their lives. When you have accomplish it, you will experience the exhilarating feeling of satisfaction and happiness no amount of money can buy. And you will want to do it again.
Be thankful and grateful to those people around you who also bring happiness into your life.
How happy you are depends not on how much material wealth you have.
It depends on how much happiness and joy you bring to other people.

Seize every opportunity that comes to grow, improve, and become more enlightened in what you do.
Look forward to mundane activities as a chance to help yourself to learn more and develop more.
Be certain that you have a clear guideline to the definition of what success is for yourself as every individual has different definition for success.
Know what you want to accomplish and each day take a little step forward toward realizing your goals.
There is no such a thing as enough of learning.
Learning starts from the very first moment we come into this world and continues until the last breathe
More does not always mean better.
Do not get tripped in the trap that many people do of always wanting more “stuff”.
Consumption and more are not the road to contentment.
More belongings do not necessary make you a happy person. On the other hand, it may be an additional burden to your life.
Only your passions and goals in life may lead you to true peace and happiness.
So do you have plenty?
Or are there any areas in your life where you have a bit too much of one thing and not enough of the other?
How may you balance your life to make certain that each of your needs in life is being met?
How may you know when you have had enough?
(the simple living blog)
Photo Credit – Max

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