Friday, September 24, 2010

Strange lights over Tucson could be possible UFO sighting

Posted: Sep 24, 2010 11:23 AM ISTUpdated: Sep 24, 2010 11:25 AM IST================================================================================================================
TUCSON, AZ (KOLD) - Our newsroom received calls all night about strange lights in the sky on the southwest side. Was it a UFO over Tucson?
Many people describe them as a 3-5 lights in a triangle shape.
Here's some what people are saying on our Facebook page:
  • Armando says, "It's not a plane. Five lights stood still then two lights disappeared and came back to a perfect straight line. Then it disappeared."
  • Crystal wrote, "I was freaked out at first too, all my kids gasped. It had us talking about aliens the rest of the way home."
  • Angelique said, "What I saw was a plane. It was huge. I saw it three times and it was round and on its side with lights all around it."
KOLD called people all over the place trying to get answers, from Davis-Monthan Air Force Base to the Arizona Department of Public Safety.
One spokesman from the Air Guard said that they are performing night flights this week.
Witnesses that talked with KOLD's Dan Marries on the phone insisted the lights they saw were not coming from a plane.
One woman even said the traffic and street lights flickered as it flew overhead. Another said she had to re-set her satellite television after it flew past her house.
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