10 Common Ways People Lose their Cell Phones
Have you ever lost your cell phone? If not ,you probably don’t own one. We’ve all done it and listed below are some of the most common ways it has been done.- Walking and texting. You can get really distracted while staring at your phone and texting. Add walking to the mix, and more often than not, you will trip over something. Then there goes your phone, down a sewer drain.
- Carrying it in your pocket. Men tend to carry their cell phones in their pants pocket more frequently than women so this is probably more common for them. There are a multitude of activities you could be doing and not notice that your phone has dropped from your pocket.
- Drop it in the toilet. I know, sounds gross, but a lot of people use their phones in the bathroom, regardless of if it is talking or texting, one quick slip and it is in the toilet. It may not be lost, after all you know where it is, but you don’t want to pick it up either, and if you do, it is a lost cause.
- In the car. This is particularly troublesome when the battery is dead, and you can’t call it to find it. It is amazing how many nooks and cranny’s there are in an automobile.
- In the sand. Word to the wise, when going to the beach, leave your phone in the car or at home. Even if you can get someone to call it and it is turned on, odds are you will not find it buried in the sand. If you do it is probably useless to you anyway.
- Top of the car. Never, I repeat never, put anything on top of your car while digging through your purse or trying to get it unlocked. Cell phones do not travel well on top of a car without being strapped down.
- Clothing. Again, not a good place to leave your phone with a dead battery or set to silent. People have left phones in their winter coats only to find them next year when they went to put their “new” phone in the pocket.
- Restaurants. If you leave your cell phone in a restaurant or any other public place, the odds are slim that a Good Samaritan will come along and try to find you to return the phone.
- Furniture. Couches are notorious for stealing our cell phones, but you haven’t felt pain until you had to try and dig out a phone from between metal rods from a pullout couch.
- Leaving it on silent. Some of the above scenarios are even more dreadful when your phone is set to the silent mode. In fact, you can lose your phone, even when it is out in the open, if it is set to silent.

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