10 Reasons People Who Whistle are Just Annoying

- They do it all the time: If you live with a whistler, you will never get away from it. Whistlers do it when they are at work; they do it while walking down the street, while driving a car, in the shower, while watching TV. It seems they never stop!
- Hurts your ears: Whistling sounds different inside the head of the person who whistles than it does to those on the outside. People who whistle don’t realize how that high pitched sound they are emitting can hurt people with sensitive ears.
- Out of tune: Many people who whistle don’t really know how to whistle. So when they think they’re whistling some favorite tune, in reality, they are off tune and just making noise.
- Repetition: There’s that song again, and again, and again. Whistlers tend to whistle their favorite song or phrase over and over until everyone else is about ready to scream.
- Interruptions: Whistlers will whistle to anything and everything, and when there’s a song you’d actually like to listen to, it’s difficult to do so when someone else is whistling along.
- Implied happiness: The sound of whistling implies happiness, and we’re not always happy. Those times when we are not happy, we don’t want to listen to someone who sounds as if they are.
- Inappropriate and disrespectful: Some people think that whistling is a good way to get the attention of another person. But it’s not. You whistle when you want your dog to come home, not when you want the attention of that cute girl walking down the street.
- Not Understandable: What does that whistle mean? Is the whistler having a problem with something? When whistling is used as a non-verbal communication tool, it leaves other people wondering just exactly what the whistler means. Using words is a better option.
- Unidentifiable: Who did that? Whistles are not as recognizable as a person’s voice making it difficult to know who to respond to when you hear a whistle. Since many whistles sound the same and there is very little movement of the mouth during whistling, it is difficult for a person who hears a whistle to know who made the sound.
- Braggarts: Not everyone can whistle. There seems to be a real talent for whistling, and those who are able to whistle tend to flaunt the fact that they can. They may not purposefully ridicule a person who is not able to whistle, but just by constantly whistling in their presence is one way of saying, “I am better than you.”
Whistling can be fun when used at the right times, but people who whistle constantly can be annoying, and sometimes you just want some peace and quiet.
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