Sunday, July 17, 2011

China News: The toddler who fell 10 stories and survived.

Songs of injured toddler signify hopeThe Standard
Monday, July 18, 2011
A toddler who fell 10 stories and survived after being caught by a passerby has been singing - and it's truly music to the ears of her mother.

The two-year-old, nicknamed Niu Niu, fell from her family's apartment window in eastern Zhejiang province early this month.

She was caught by Wu Juping, who has been hailed as the perfect mother after sustaining injuries herself.

Niu Niu woke up from a 10-day coma last week and is recovering from her extensive head injuries.

She has now sung four songs for her mother, who was told it indicates her brain functions are recovering.

Her mother, who sung several of Niu Niu's favorite songs to try to wake her from the coma, said the left side of her daughter's body is still partially paralyzed.

There is hope, her doctors believe, she will recover.

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