Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Train Runs Over Drunk Teen 
And He SurvivesPublished: Jul 5, 2011 
by Staff,
Authorities in Iowa said a teenager who apparently passed out drunk on some railroad tracks was not seriously injured when a train passed over him.

Des Moines police said engineers for the Iowa Interstate Railroad spotted the teenager, identified as Christian Latshaw, 17, on the tracks near East First Street at about 10:45 p.m. Sunday in Des Moines and they applied the train's emergency brake, The Des Moines Register reported Tuesday.

Police said the engine and first car of the train passed over Latshaw before the vehicle came to a stop.

Latshaw, who had a pair of lacerations on the back of his head and a bruise on his right thigh, told officers he blacked out after drinking at the 80/35 Music Festival, which was taking place about a mile away.

Police said Latshaw was given a delayed referral to juvenile court on charges of trespassing and public intoxication. (c) UPI


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