15 Roommates That Are Worse Than Yours

- The slob: This roommate was more dirty than your average slobby roommate. She showered once weekly, piled garbage thigh high, and left bodily fluids to soak into her mattress.
- Stabbing and ID theft: A freshman at the University of Arizona was stabbed 23 times by her roommate, who had previously stolen her credit cards and money from her bank account.
- Surprise you have AIDS: This roommate picked up the mail and changed the results of a routine HIV/AIDS test to reveal that the other roommate had tested positive. Not only that, she let her roommate go on believing the false results for two days, even waiting until she had told her boyfriend the results.
- Paying the bills: This roommate was constantly short on money to pay the bills, until she started prostituting herself at home.
- The hotel: This roommate turned from timid into a social butterfly overnight, leaving the dorm room unlocked to be visited by friends at all hours, allowing them to eat food, use her roommate’s laptop, whether her roommate was there or not. The last straw was drawn when the innocent roommate woke up to discover not only a wide open door, but also a couple of strangers making out on her futon.
- Bad vibes: This roommate didn’t believe in close contact with electronics. She attempted to spray lemon juice and baking soda on the TV to get rid of the bad vibes.
- The new drug dealer: This roommate had a great plan to buy cocaine in bulk to sell it to college students, but instead snorted it all himself. He got so high, he had to be talked down while listening to David Bowie.
- The bathroom: This summer rental was home to an aggressive swinger, and a woman awaiting her court date for assaulting a police officer. On top of that, the owner allowed customers from their late night food joint to use the bathroom.
- The used tampons: This roommate left her used tampons in the apartment. She made sisterhood puppets out of them, as well as wall decor.
- Captain Planet: Captain Planet took going green to an extreme level, not allowing 409 in the house, and monitoring what his roommate ate.
- The denting deer head: This roommate stored deer heads in the garage, one of which fell on a roommate’s brand new car. She also leaves the doors unlocked, and sometimes even wide open.
- The dead cat: This roommate left a dead cat in the oven for a week, and let a tarantula run around free range. He also idled his motorcycle inside without opening any windows, invited crackheads over, and left feces in various locations. This story tops off with a fake kidnapping, showdown, and 911.
- Poop treasure hunt: If you can stand it, this roommate story shares photos of feces left in a number of locations, and even inside of possessions.
- The bleeder: This roommate woke up to find blood all over her room and bathroom walls. Apparently, her roommate, who also had no problem stealing clothes and jewelry, tore apart her room looking for a condom, but had no idea she was bleeding.
- Wordless wonder: When this girl moved in, she never spoke a single word to her roommate, not even responding to words, waving, and pointed questions about why she never spoke back.
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