Sunday, November 21, 2010

10 Tips You Are Dating a Gold Digger

It is not always easy to tell if a lady is more interested in the man or his wallet. Gold diggers are the women who want material gain from their relationships rather than just a relationship that offers the “richness” of love or companionship. In order to save yourself money, and possibly some heartache, you need to be able to identify a gold digger, and distinguish between a woman who just wants what you have and another woman who simply believes in financial security. Here are ten tips that can help you in a relationship where her motives are questionable.
  1. Pricey gifts are the only kinds that please her. Is she more impressed by the cost of an item than the thought behind it? There is nothing wrong with having good taste, but a woman who just won’t accept anything less than the best may not care about the sentiment of a present given to her out of care.
  2. She’s inquiring about your financial status as if she is a lender. While she may not be as forward as asking to check your credit history, she seems a little too curious about your salary, investments, and property. Most woman want to know that her man has a steady job and would be able to provide security, but a gold digger wants stats. Not only that, but keeping up appearances is extremely important to her, so she may even ask how much your friends make.
  3. Her looks get her perks and she practically abuses the privilege. Some woman can get into classy restaurants (without reservations), upscale nightclubs, and fancy gatherings with a special manipulative routine. If she seems too well rehearsed in doing this, or if she can turn your “no” into a “yes” with sex or the promise of it, watch out!
  4. She has a high standard of living and refuses to compromise it. Low budget dates, saving money, and sacrificing certain comforts are a nightmare for gold diggers. If she owns no “comfortable” clothes, has no interest in good clean fun, and insists upon sparing no expense so she can be happy, you are in trouble.
  5. Her previous relationship list looks like a resume with increases on every step. She may be vague about her last boyfriends, or say that it is too painful to talk about, but find out as much as you can. A gold digger has a long list of well-paid men in her past with each one making more money than the last.
  6. She has the attitude that she always deserves the best. Not only does she want everything, she seems almost insulted if something is denied her. It seems like she never works hard for anything but she expects to get what she wants just because of who she is. (aka a sense of entitlement).
  7. Her body is perfect, her clothes and accessories are designer, and she never misses a salon treatment. Most women take good care of themselves, and there is nothing wrong with going to the salon. However, her hair, skin and nails seem to be a top priority and her visits are more frequent than most. She may also ask you for the money to pay for her beauty treatments.
  8. Things seem to be moving fast…too fast. If she seems interested in spending a lot of time at your expensive place (and bedroom) and starts leaving her things with the expectation of coming back within a couple of weeks of dating, step back. Most women are interested in marriage and long-term commitments, but genuine ones don’t want to rush.
  9. She readily dismisses other women, especially those with similar or higher status, looks, or sense of fashion. A woman like that does not appreciate competition, and once she hooks a man she is territorial about it. Her friends seem to be just like her, but she never seems to allow them around you very much.
  10. Always needing money yet always spending it. “Baby, I need help paying the rent this month. Can you please cover it for me? I’ll pay you back.” Soon it becomes utilities, groceries, cosigning on a car loan, and maybe even a condo! If she goes on a shopping spree to “clear her head” and then suddenly needs you to cover her bills, end it quickly. Think: Does she ever pay or offer to pay on dates? This type of lady spends a lot of money (other people’s money) and won’t be generous to you.
If even half of these things are true about the woman you are dating, chances are she is a gold digger. Save yourself some cash and move on. Some woman might fit one of these descriptions, but they are actually interested in a real relationship. If that is the case, find out more before you end things, but proceed with caution. Otherwise, remember these tell tale signs of gold diggers and protect your finances!


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