Betwa Sharma
New York, Nov 24 (PTI) UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called on people to ''Bell Bajao'' (ring the bell) as he joined the initiative to fight against domestic violence and abuse for women in India.
A day ahead of International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Ban said: "Millions of men and boys are stopping this violence simply by lifting one finger...
(to) ring the door bell."
He called on people to join the campaign in his public message. "It interrupts what''s happening... It may give the woman a chance to escape."
Bell Bajao campaign appeals to local residents to take a stand against women abuse through simple acts such as ringing door bell, where one suspects of happening of domestic violence.
The initiative was launched on August 20, 2008, by an NGO Breakthrough in collaboration with the Ministry of Women and Child Development, UNIFEM and UN Trust Fund.
Domestic violence against women remains the "most pervasive" human rights violation, according to UN. One in three women worldwide experience some form of physical violence -- the majority from an intimate partner or within their family, the world body said.
Last year, Ban launched his Network of Men Leaders to combat violence against women to get boys and men involved in combating violence. "Fathers and brothers who are so important to this campaign...they are coming forward to join us," he said.
This year''s theme is to press on the role of corporate sector in preventing violence against women. "Corporate executives who care about the health and safety of the world''s women and girls ... are finding new ways to address violence against women. From the pages of fashion magazines to the interactions between cosmetic salespeople and their clients," the UN chief said.
Meanwhile, the head of UN Women Michele Bachelet noted that women peacekeepers from India and Bangladesh were a source of strength for raped ones in conflict areas.
"It is a true case that women are strong and women are capable of dealing not only with soft issues but also can be police force, part of armed forces," Bachelet told reporters yesterday.
"When you see more powerful women everywhere, it not only gives not only strength to women but also it show that we can make cultural changes," she added.
(msn news)