Sunday, November 21, 2010

Drone Strikes in Waziristan.

Drone strike kills six in North Waziristan

Daily Times
Monday, November 22, 2010
MIRANSHAH: A US drone attack killed six suspected militants in North Waziristan on Sunday, security officials said a day after Islamabad rejected reports the covert missile campaign could expand.

The officials said two missiles slammed into a compound in Khaddi village, 15 kilometres east of Miranshah, the main town in North Waziristan and considered a hub for Taliban and al Qaeda-linked militants.

“The compound and vehicle parked nearby were destroyed in the attack and at least six militants are dead,” a senior security official said on condition of anonymity. 

The casualties were confirmed by an intelligence official as US President Barack Obama and NATO leaders wrapped up a summit in Lisbon after announcing plans to hand control of security in Afghanistan to local forces in 2014.

However, other officials, also speaking on condition of anonymity, said that the dead included three militants and three local tribesmen who were harbouring them.

Washington has massively ramped up its drone campaign against militants in areas near the Afghan border over the past two months, and argues they are highly effective in the war against al Qaeda and its allies. agencies


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