Wednesday, November 17, 2010

International Terrorism --- Germany.

Terror attack being planned in Germany

TERRORIST attacks are being planned in Germany, including one this month, the country's Interior Minister, Thomas de Maiziere, has warned.

"From today, there will be a visible police presence. I thought it should be explained to citizens," said De Maiziere at a hastily called press conference in Berlin.

"There will also be a variety of measures that will not be visible. There is reason for concern, but no reason for hysteria," he added.

Evidence of a potential attack towards the end of the month came from a "foreign partner", he said.

"According to information from a foreign partner which came to us after the Yemen incident, we suspect a planned attack is due to be put into action at the end of November," De Maiziere said.
Last month, authorities discovered two US-bound parcel bombs originating from Yemen, one of which transitted through Cologne airport in western Germany.


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