Monday, November 22, 2010

“Me Time” Makes You a Better Mom!

Moms never go on vacation. Every day, every hour, several things compete for our attention. We cook meals, clean the house, help the kids with the homework, soothe a fussy baby, balance the checkbook. Working moms have to figure out how to do that and a job, too!
No wonder “Me Time” is always last on a mom’s list of priorities. Oh, we try—but something “more important” happens. But who said “Me Time” isn’t as crucial as eating, sleeping, or even seeing the doctor when you’re sick? In fact, “Me Time” will make you a better mom.
Life tip # 1: ditch the supermom myth
With such a long list of things to do, we immediately feel guilty if we just sit around and rest. It doesn’t feel…responsible. Even when the kids are at the grandparents (a perfect opportunity to read a book, nap, or get a massage) we automatically find something else to do. Defrost the refrigerator, maybe, or clean out the closet.
We think that we will rest after we get everything done. But there will always be something to do! Society pressures us into being Supermoms, mainly because of its definition of success and accomplishment: be the best, do the most.
Life tip # 2: Doing nothing lets you do everything
Never mind society. Listen to your needs—or even just common sense. You charge your cell phone battery. You gas up the car. You know that your machines need maintenance to work. So do you. Your “maintenance” is relaxation, rest, meditationprayer, and any activity that gives you pleasure for pleasure’s sake. This is not wasting time. It’s the groundwork of productivity. How much can you accomplish if you’re having a nervous breakdown or hospitalized for exhaustion?
Life tip # 3: ”Me time” makes you a better mom
Besides, success isn’t measured by the quantity of our accomplishments but the quality of our life. And if you can’t do that for yourself, do it for your kids. They need a mom who’s happy, calm and content. How else can you be patient? Stressed out moms yell and sulk, and kids think it’s their fault. And really, how can you be sensitive to their needs when you’ve completely numbed yourself to your own? You raise happy kids when you’re a happy mom. It’s that simple.
Life tip # 4: ”Me time” makes you feel rich, right now
Moms are used to scrimping, saving, worrying about money. We’re constantly looking for bargains or cutting corners so we can give the kids what they need. Any extra money—if we get any—goes straight to mortgage payments, braces, credit card debt, college and retirement funds. We’re used to sacrificing.
It’s hard. But “me time” is the one luxury (and the best luxury) you always can afford. How many dollars does it take to savor a cup of your favorite tea on the porch, just feeling the sun on your face and the breeze in your hair? None whatsoever. But give yourself that moment, and your heart will dance. Not even a Louis Vuitton bag can give you that feeling of total freedom.
Life tip # 5: “Me time” unlocks hidden skills and talents
Many moms feel stuck in the daily drudgery of household chores and parenting responsibilities. Even working moms compare their life to hamsters running on a wheel: never-ending deadlines, to pay for never-ending bills.
So give yourself me time, and you will discover that even just 30 minutes a day will make you happier, feel richer, and more in control of your emotions. If you still don’t think that’s worth it, consider this — YOU’RE worth it.
Photo from

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