Thursday, November 25, 2010

Myanmar News.

Myanmar's Suu Kyi to appeal in party 
dissolution case
YANGON — Myanmar's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi will appeal the Supreme Court's refusal to hear her lawsuit against the junta for dissolving her party, her lawyer said Thursday.
The Nobel Peace Prize winner's National League for Democracy (NLD) was disbanded for boycotting the military-ruled country's first election in 20 years in response to rules that seemed designed to bar her from taking part.
Suu Kyi "has said to continue the legal process until it finishes," said her lawyer Nyan Win.
"We will file a special appeal at the Supreme Court in Naypyidaw to hear the case," he told AFP.
The Supreme Court on Monday declined to consider the lawsuit.
Suu Kyi, who co-founded the NLD, had unsuccessfully filed an earlier suit with the Supreme Court aimed at preventing its abolition.
Court verdicts rarely favour opposition activists in Myanmar, one of the world's oldest dictatorships with more than 2,200 political prisoners.
Myanmar's courts also rejected a series of appeals by Suu Kyi against her house arrest before it expired on November 13, resulting in her release after seven straight years of detention.

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