Friday, May 27, 2011


When you’re trying to establish a professional identity, you need to be savvy about the various networking sites online and how they work. These are the places that people look these days when trying to find out more about a person. Each of the social and professional networking sites have different strengths. Understanding what those are, will help you in creating your online image.
  1. Facebook – Most people have a personal facebook page. If you are a professional in the arts or in business for yourself, you should also have a facebook page that focuses on you as the professional. It’s easy and its free.
  2. Linkedin – This is the premier business professional network site. Whether you are self-employed or a lead employee in your company, you should be listed and connected on Linkedin. It is the place where you make contacts with most anyone in the business world.
  3. Twitter – Creating a following on Twitter can bring you a surprising amount of recognition. This little sound bites called Tweets are the marketing tool of today.
  4. MySpace – Although MySpace is not in the news the way Facebook is today, it still is one of the largest social networks on the Web. You don’t want to overlook this opportunity. Make sure your information is available and up to date on your MySpace page.
  5. Ezine Articles – Posting Ezine articles about your niche can be a great way to establish yourself as an expert in your field and also drive traffic to your website or blog.
  6. Manta – Manta is a directory listing of businesses and individuals in business. It ranks high in search engines and is free to join. Just another simple way to get your name noticed.
  7. Google Profiles – Where better to tell the world who you are, and what you want them to know about you, than right on Google itself. Fill in your information and allow Google to assist you in self-promotion.
  8. Social Harbor – This site will do the promotional networking for you. With a paid membership, they will make sure that you have profiles set up on all the major networking sites, and that they are all consistent.
  9. Visible Me – was formally known as Naymz. It is a personal branding site that will assist you in establishing yourself consistently across the Web and also help you to connect with other members of their free service.
  10. Xing – This is a business and professional networking site established in Europe but with a very global outreach. If you’re looking to establish new connections within the global business community, this site provides you with a very large membership to draw from.
These are just the top ten sites for promotion on the web. There are plenty of other sites that target niche markets that you should also consider, as you attempt to establish your personal and professional brand.

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