Friday, October 28, 2011

Personal Finance Posts

9 Personal Finance Posts Every Couple Should Read

Posted by admin on Oct 18, 2011

Money complicates things, especially when you have to worry about not one, but two spenders. Married and unmarried couples have a lot to consider when trying to get their finances in order and planning for the future. Several studies have shown that money is the top reason why couples fight, so it's all the more important for couples to talk about money and be on the same page about how they're going to spend it. If you want to tackle your money issues and reach your financial goals, these 9 personal finance posts will help you get there.
  1. 9 Important Financial Moves All Couples Should Make

    Take it from personal finance expert Suze Orman, who knows a thing or two about money and marriage. Orman suggests couples get acquainted with each other's financial habits and discuss long-term financial goals early in the relationship. She also recommends that women familiarize themselves with the family finances, and keep one credit card in their name in case they become divorced or widowed. Orman's comprehensive guide will get you and your loved one talking about money and planning your next financial move.
  2. The Six Financial Mistakes Couples Make

    This SmartMoney post provides some helpful advice for couples who want to avoid the most common financial mistakes in marriage and correct them together. The author discusses everything from merging the finances, dealing with debt, keeping money secrets and planning for emergencies, while examining the right and wrong approaches to talking about the issue. This post will help couples learn how to put aside their emotions in order to solve the problem efficiently and avoid making more costly fiscal mistakes.
  3. New Couples, Combining Finances

    In this NPR post, personal finance contributor Michelle Singletary shares her interesting perspective and helpful advice on why engaged couples and newlyweds should combine their finances to avoid conflict. According to Singletary, joining checking and savings accounts "creates transparency" and it leaves less room for error. This post provides an easy-to-understand plan to maintaining your financial individuality and helping your spouse at the same time.
  4. Your 20s: Planning pays off richly

    Most twenty-somethings don't have their finances in order and don't have the slightest clue on how to get them there. However, as this article points out, there are plenty of opportunities for people in their 20s to get their act together and start planning for a prosperous future. Even though this post lists some discouraging financial statistics for married couples in their twenties, it does provide helpful advice and money-saving tips for young adults and couples who want to improve their financial future.
  5. Marriage: Money Rules for Couples

    This CBS MoneyWatch post discusses some basic money rules, such as set a monthly budget, end the power struggle over money, disclose all secrets and have monthly meetings. These rules can help newly married couples set the groundwork for a financially healthy and transparent relationship, and assist those who've let their finances get out of control throughout their marriage.

  1. I Do, Now What? Planning Your Finances as a Newlywed

    This personal finance post from Fox Business gives couples, specifically newlyweds, a realistic approach to discussing finances and starting your marriage on the right foot. The author gives readers five exercises for planning out their finances that range from writing down long- and short-term goals, showing credit card statements and other personal financial information to each other and setting up a joint spending account. These financial planning tips can help newlyweds sort through the issues and improve communication about money.
  2. The Big Payoff: Three Budgeting Commandments That Can Help Couples Live Richly Ever After

    This post provides some insightful information on how couples can improve their financial situation and save big by following three vital budgeting commandments. Sharon Epperson, the CNBC correspondent who developed these budgeting commandments, recommends that couples diversify their savings and put money away for unforeseen expenses or emergencies. Epperson also urges couples to take action to pay off their debts and live on one income, not two, so they can achieve their financial dreams and budget accordingly.
  3. Financial Planning Tips for Non-Traditional Couples

    Non-traditional couples, including same-sex partners, civil unions and domestic partnerships, will find this Reuters Money post extremely insightful. Because non-traditional couples lack certain advantages and legal protections that traditional married couples receive, they have to take extra steps and precautions in order to protect their money, minimize conflict and ensure benefits for one another. Couples who fit into this demographic can apply the financial planning tips from this post to their own relationships.
  4. Retirement planning: Advice, guides and calculator

    It's never too early for couples to start talking about their financial futures and planning for retirement. This MSN Money retirement planning article provides a great deal of useful information and advice for couples of all ages who want to plan for their future, invest wisely and retire early. This post has a comprehensive guide to understanding 401k plans, IRAs and Social Security, as well as a handy retirement planner calculator that helps put your personal finances into perspective.


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