Thursday, April 21, 2011

Inspired Magazine

10 Tips to Avoid a Creative Block

Free Web Design
Today’s guest star is Jacques van Heerden – a freelance digital artist from South Africa who works under the creative identity An1ken. He runsCreativeoverflow – a fresh design blog for anything creative. You should definitely connect with him on Twitter @an1ken.
Creative Blocks are quite common in the industry that we work in especially amongst very busy designers. I can say that it is truly one of the most depressing feelings you can experience as a designer. The usual reason for obtaining such a evil thing is when a designer starts comparing his/her work against someone better than him/her. There are multiple reasons that a creative block can occur, but that is solely the main cause.
We aren’t here to debate about how and how not to get hold of a Creative Block. We are here to enrich your memory with some tips to avoid the hazard. Being a designer myself I have had the problem numerous times in the beginning, after following up and using these tips I haven’t had a Creative Block in more than a year. Let’s get straight tot the tips.

1. Doodle in Your Sketchbook

Graphic Designers always sketch up some ideas or concepts when starting on new projects. I know I do and I have been sketching and drawing since I was little and you might have too. Drawing takes your mind off things and gets your creative juices flowing, you will be surprised how quickly ideas come back to you just from doodling in a little book.

2. Visit Inspirational Galleries on the Web

Looking through designs that were created by other people is usually a great inspiration too. People around the world has gone about setting up Inspirational Galleries for us to visit and view masses of art on the same website, saving us time and effort. I recommend visiting Inspirational Design Galleries as a hobby day to day too, keeping you up to date with the design trends. Read more on 10 Niche Social Networks to Get Your Design Creativity On

3. Take a Walk

Get out of your office, sitting all day is just going to make you look at the same things over and over again which definitely isn’t going to benefit you. Go outside and take the dog for a walk or just go for a walk by yourself. The fresh air and seamless nature around you might drive some new inspiration into you.

4. Search for New Fonts

You will be surprised by how much inspiration you can draw from a few simple curves. It freshens up your thinking patterns and gets your mind fixed on the things that you have to do. Fonts aren’t only used for saying something, they are also used to create something. Read more on 20 Websites for Font, Letter and Symbol enthusiasts

5. Stop Doubting Yourself

Self doubt is a huge thing to overcome a a person, every person faces it sometime or another.When the time comes and you break free from the emotional stumble block a whole new world opens up. Like I said earlier don’t compare yourself to other people, take a stand and believe in yourself, you will accomplish a lot.

6. Get Away For a Day or Two

Sitting in front of the computer days at a time isn’t good at all. My advice is to go away with friends or family for a day or two, the change of scenery will change your thinking patterns and a few ideas might spring up in the process. Keeping a balanced lifestyle is very important in the work that we do, working out is essential.

7. Take your work to the nearest Coffee Shop

Working amongst a busy environment can be very beneficial, especially if you have to come up with new concepts and ideas. The reason is that nothing stays the same, it keeps constantly changing and therefore your thinking changes. You won’t understand the difference until you have experienced it yourself. Try it.

8. Go out with some friends

A night on the town with some friends can bring across some inspiration as well. Having fun and taking your mind off work lets you relax and have fun and not think about your clients.

9. Listen to some Music

Try changing your usual music taste to something different that you don’t always listen to. It broadens your spectrum of thinking and moving by inputting some new sounds and words. A lot of inspiration can be drawn from a simple song. Read more on 20 Fantastic Ways to Find New Music that You Like

10. Follow Some Tutorials

You might think that you don’t want to follow tutorials because you want to come up with your own work, but learning new techniques is the only way to improve your skills and creativity. Following tutorials is a very good base to start off with, because you can add your personal touch to the image you are working on.
Your turn now guys, any tips you feel like sharing?
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  1. VukJanuary 31st
    Comment Arrow
    I totally agree with this list, as I do everything on it. Really! Doodling, listening to an mp3 mixtape, even going for a walk can be inspirational, or at least it will help you blow off some steam. Still, I have to add that applying these principles where I live, in Croatia, can also lead to frustration. Positive surroundings are also a crucial factor.
    I would add one more thing, and that’s skimming through new/old magazines and books, at home or at bookstores. Just soaking that stuff in can lead to some great work if you’re a visual artist, as it is better to do research like that rather than follow some trend everybody’s copying off.
    Great work An1ken, I’ll add you on Twitter, peace.
  2. Comment Arrow
    I totally agree the “talking a walk” + you get to get some exercise too !
    Those are very useful tips! Thank you

  3. LukeSFFebruary 1st
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    Will add some of those to my routine… And 2 days of skiing in a week would act a getaway I definitely need….

  4. JSFFebruary 1st
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    This list isn’t just for creative, but also for anyone who needs creative inspiration in their jobs. Excellent advice!

  5. fksdFebruary 1st
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    thanks a lot. these tips are really helpfull and encourage my minds to take more breaks in my daily work.

  6. Federica SibellaFebruary 1st
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    I agree with your tips and would like to add my 2 cents: read a book! Any good book can be a real source of inspiration for new ideas. Reading also contributes to relax your mind and gives you fresh energy.

  7. ConpannaFebruary 1st
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    Great tips, I mainly agree with “Take a walk”, usually I’m going for a long run…

  8. SamFebruary 1st
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    What’s the name of the gallery on the screenshot under “2. Visit Inspirational Galleries on the Web” (yes the black one) ???

  9. sriganeshFebruary 1st
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    thanks for the great tips , now i can check myself, OMG i was sitting in the system, i have to be offline for some days, and doddles really give me some new ideas

  10. stellaFebruary 1st
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    nice tips, just what I needed thanks!

  11. Eko SetiawanFebruary 2nd
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    I liked the atmosphere of calm, sometimes listen some music can be distractions for me.
    Thanks for share, I get new tips.

  12. AliceFebruary 2nd
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    Great post! It would be great to have time to do all of these, especially the relaxing walks. I find that listening to good music always helps. Cheers!

  13. FractalfrogFebruary 2nd
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    Completely agree with Conpanna with the running!
    It’s like the movement of my body washes away all the “junk” thoughts and background “noise”, instead I can focus completely at the problem at hand.
    Very effective and healthy as well!

  14. ThisIsInspiredFebruary 2nd
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    Excellent tips all the way around, Jacques :)
    Taking a walk is a great idea – clearing the head and getting fresh air always helps me.

  15. JoshFebruary 3rd
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    Always nice to pick up other designers perspectives on creative block. Thanks for sharing & great article.

  16. Austin ClementsFebruary 3rd
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    Nice tips. I always find it useful to look at what is trendy in a field completely unrelated to the work you’re doing. You can usually incorporate some elements into your work.

  17. Joe BarstowFebruary 3rd
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    yep. solid. what i do (but getting away for a day or two is not an option)
  18. Comment Arrow
    We often just meet up in the lovely back garden of our studio and trash out some more ideas in the sun.
    I some time stand on a table or just sit on the floor to gain a new perspective on thing.
    Oh well. helps me at least.

  19. RJCFebruary 6th
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    Always found going on a trip to somewhere completely foreign helps kick start my creativity. Taking one out of their comfort zone allows them to think differently and adapt in the new environment.
    I think a summary of combining most of your tips together would be best. Because like it or not, we live in a multitasking world nowadays.

  20. RudiFebruary 15th
    Comment Arrow
    Nice tips man, wanna add one more alternative “Sleeping” hehe take a rest a bit to recover your energy ^^

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