Thursday, April 21, 2011

e-how Health

How to Break a Bad Habit

updated: February 14, 2011

How to Break a Bad Habitthumbnail
Break a Bad Habit

Habits are automatic behaviors that can be changed with patience and persistence.

Moderately Easy


things you'll need:

  • Journal
  • Notebooks
  • Pencils Or Pens
  • Notebooks
    • 1
      Decide how serious you are about breaking the habit. In addition to a strong commitment, you'll need time and energy to pay attention to your behavior so that you can change it.
    • 2
      Keep track of when you do the behavior. Keep a notepad or journal handy.
    • 3
      Write down when it happens (what is the situation) and what you were thinking and feeling. Writing increases your awareness of when and why you have this habit.
    • 4
      Read and think about what you write down. What does this habit do for you? Is it a way to deal with feelings of boredom, anxiety, stress, anger?
    • 5
      Think of what you could do instead of the habit that would be a more positive way to deal with the feelings or situation. Write down some simple alternative behaviors that you could do instead. Pick one you want to practice.
    • 6
      Try to catch yourself when you find yourself doing the habit and stop yourself as soon as you can. Start the alternative behavior you decided you wanted to do instead.
    • 7
      Aim to do this once a week and increase the number of times per week over time. The more you practice a new behavior, the more it becomes the new habit.
    • 8
      Get support from others by letting them know you are working on the habit and telling them what they can do to help.

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Tips & Warnings

  • Be patient with yourself. Habits are so automatic and unconscious we don't realize we are doing it until we are already doing it!
  • Be kind to yourself. Beating yourself up is another bad habit to be broken.


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