Monday, May 23, 2011

Can anyone even remember the days before Caller ID? Is it possible that we really didn’t know at one time who was calling us until we answered the phone? Dare we even contemplate a world without call screening? Well, it turns out; there are, in fact, certain people who would love for those days to return. You can probably guess who some of them are. Let’s look at 10 groups of people that hate Caller ID:
  1. Telemarketers – This one’s a natural. It’s like Superman and kryptonite. Stealth is the telemarketer’s best friend. Sneak attacks are his forte. Telemarketers will go to any lengths to hide their identities from you, their unsuspecting prey.
  2. Bill Collectors/Creditors – A close relative of the previous group, these predators also rely on camouflage and subterfuge to catch their victims unaware. These two groups are also leaders of the current Caller ID spoofing trend.
  3. Prank Callers – Relying on anonymity, they will order 10 large pizzas for their nosy neighbor; or call the police to raid her house, providing evidence that she is running a brothel disguised as a bible study and bridge club.
  4. Privacy Rights Clearinghouse As their name implies, these folks are adamant about individual privacy rights and lobbied heavily against the implementation of Caller ID. When that failed, they then lobbied heavily in favor of Caller ID Blocking.
  5. Shoppers – Many consumers, wishing to remain anonymous when contacting businesses when comparison shopping or to make consultation calls, demanded  a means to hide their  phone numbers. Their fear of having their phone numbers stored, and possibly shared with other vendors,  precipitated the introduction of Caller ID Block.
  6. Fundraisers – Non-profit organizations and other groups that rely on telephone campaigns for raising support miss out on countless opportunities to pitch their cause when the called party sees the pitch coming before they answer the phone.
  7. The Jilted Lover – It’s a tough job convincing her to take you back when you can’t get her to answer the phone. Of course, this group may not even be calling the right number in the first place.
  8. In-Laws – It’s an even  tougher job convincing your wife’s mother that you’ve been away from the phone every time she’s called for the past 12 years. She’s probably got your number by now, in more ways than one.
  9. Sex Line Callers – This is clearly a group who prefer the plain brown wrapper approach when they shop, if you know what I mean – and I think you do.
  10. Lawyers – Let’s face it, no one wants to take a call from the Law Offices of Dewey, Cheatham, and Howe – not even their own clients.
The advent of Caller ID began a technological version of phone tag of Call Blocking, Anonymous Call Rejection, Privacy Manager and now the spoofing of caller ID’s. This struggle between privacy and anonymity keeps raising the stakes, making call screening more complicated with each advance in telecommunications features.

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