Monday, May 23, 2011

Health and Fitness.

Viagra 'could make you deaf'

Viagra could make you deaf, doctors have warned.

Viagra 'could make you deaf'
The researchers are not sure how Viagra might affect hearing Photo: Alamy
Viagra and similar impotence drugs have been linked to hundreds of cases of sudden hearing loss around the world, including some in the UK.
Doctors have begun to warn that the drugs could damage users' hearing after a spate of people in the US with auditory problems.
Experts, including some from Charing Cross, Stoke Mandeville and Royal Marsden hospitals, were so concerned by the claims that they demanded an investigation from official watchdogs across three continents.
Users in America, East Asia and Australia were questioned as to whether they suffered hearing loss shortly after taking the pills.
Forty-seven suspected cases of sensorineural hearing loss – a rapid loss of hearing in one or both ears – were linked to Viagra and related drugs Cialis and Levitra. Eight were from the UK.
However, another 223 reports made in the US had to be excluded due to a lack of detail.

The researchers are not sure how Viagra might affect hearing, but it may be that the chain of chemical reactions it triggers have knock-on effects in the inner ear.

The average age of those affected was 57, although two of the men involved were only 37, the study found.

Dr Afroze Shah Khan, of Charing Cross Hospital, said: "Medical practitioners involved in the prescription of these drugs need to be vigilant about this potential side-effect."

However, the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, Britain’s drugs watchdog, said complaints of hearing loss linked to Viagra were "extremely rare".

A spokesman added that reports of an adverse reaction to a drug do not prove the medicine caused it.

The research was published in the journal The Laryngoscope.

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