Saturday, May 21, 2011

Human Sexuality.

Paul Kerr, Littleton KinderCare Teacher, Admits To Molesting Multiple Children

Paul Kerr
The Huffington Post  Matt Ferner  First Posted: 05/12/11 10:42 AM ET Updated: 05/12/11 10:10 PM ET

The preliminary hearing for Paul Kerr, the former Littleton teacher who worked at KinderCare accused of sexually molesting a child, was postponed by Judge Ethan Feldman until June 21, however some very damning statements by Kerr have surfaced.
According to court records and reported by 7News, Kerr agreed to an interview when he was first arrested on April 15 during which he admitted to touching an undressed 9-year-old girl. The same girl who originally reported Kerr’s behavior to her parents leading to his arrest. In his initial statement, Kerr said it was not an inappropriate act, that he did it to check the girl for marks of abuse.
However, later in the arrest affidavit, Kerr admits to touching the girl for sexual gratification and goes on to describe a 5-year-old girl student that he would tickle during naptime for personal arousal and three separate incidents where he purposefully walked in on a 10-year-old student changing out of her school uniform into casual clothes to become aroused.
As CBSDenver reported in April, former teacher, Paul Kerr was arrested on April 15 on accusations that he sexually molested children at the KinderCare on 5472 S. Federal Circle in Littleton. Kerr had also worked as a substitute teacher in both the Denver and Jefferson County school districts where he came into contact with many more children of various ages.
Sean Dugan of the Littleton police spoke to CBSDenver back in April when Kerr was first arrested:
He’s been in contact with a lot of children. We really encourage people to see the photo and if your child was a student of his, to speak with your child very candidly and frankly.
For more information about the effects of sexual molestation, facts for families and their children going through the healing process, visit The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Also visit the Colorado Department of Public Safety’s Convicted Sex Offender Site or the Colorado Law Enforcement Agency’s Unified Sex Offender Registry to search out offenders in your area and learn more. 

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