Saturday, October 15, 2011

Top 5 Reasons Why You Are Not Losing Weight
Written By RomyRome
September 23rd, 2011
My weight won’t drop? I’ve been working out and eating well, can someone please tell me what’s going on? If this is your problem please continue reading this article. Most people who are trying out a fat loss program dread stepping on the scale each week because either they are gaining weight, or their weight remains stagnant. This can be the most annoying and nerve wrecking feeling, especially when you are working hard and want to see better results. Let me assure you that these bad feelings are okay. I will help you have positive feelings with negative poundage.

Are you ready to get on the road to success? If you answered YES, here is what you need to do: Grab a notebook and WRITE down everything that you eat and your workout plan. Then self evaluate your program and eating habits. Are you following it exactly? Are you skipping meals or workouts? Are you having way too many cheat meals? Although this list can go on forever, here are five common reasons why your weight may not be dropping and the solution to remedy these problems.

Lack of Sleep- Believe it or not sleep and recovery is the most important factor in any workout program. You burn calories in your sleep and this is the only time your body and brain can fully rest. If you are not sleeping enough, you will have low energy levels throughout the day. Sleep deprivation will also increase your appetite, making you very irritable. This in turn will increase cortisol, a catabolic hormone which does exactly the opposite of muscle gain and fat burn. To treat this problem, sleep at least 7-8hours a night. If you have trouble sleeping try supplementing with melatonin, a hormone which regulates your sleep/wake cycle. This will have you sleeping soundly every night and wake up feeling great! 

CardioPHOBIA- I think I made this word up but this means FEAR of CARDIO. Many people dread cardio and think that it is way too hard for them to even try. If you really want to burn fat and keep it off, you must incorporate cardio into your workout program. Crazy fact: One pound of fat = 3500 calories, so if you eat decrease your calorie intake by 250 everyday and do 1 hour of cardio (about 250 calories) over 7 DAYS you will lose 1 lb of fat. Play around with the numbers and you will be burning fat efficiently in no time. A good way to burn fat is to do a half hour of high intensity cardio (sprint, jump rope) followed by 15 minutes of low intensity (walk, bike ride) cardio 3 days a week. For the remainder of the week do moderate intensity (dance, swim, jog) cardio.
Inconsistency- This may be a major problem. How many of you will stick with your plan for 3 days and then other things get in the way? Probably most of you! Inconsistency does not result in consistent weight loss. Don’t get angry at the scale if you know you haven’t been eating right and following your training program everyday. This is like going two steps forward and one step backwards. If you put in the constant effort you well get better and better results. So on track! 

Skipping Meals- Does this even make sense? Wait so not eating will cause you to gain more weight? Unfortunately this is exactly what happens because when you don’t eat CONSISTENTLY, your body will get used to amount of food you are using to fuel it. This in turn will lower your metabolism because your body is not in a constant state of digestion. Your appetite will increase and you will then begin to drive to Taco Bell and indulge in unhealthy burritos. Without the appropriate amount of calories your body will burn the protein out of your muscles for energy, which is counterproductive. So my prescription for you is this: Eat to Lose! 

Plateau- This happens if you have been doing the same thing for months. You need to change your workout and diets every 4-5 weeks. This is because your body will get used to what you’re currently doing and stay in the comfort zone. If you switch it up, you will shock your brain, muscles, and adipocytes (fat cells) into functioning at the highest rate. For example if you do your cardio on the elliptical every day, switch it to running outside or using the bike for a while. If you eat the same meals everyday at the same time; try changing your protein and carbohydrate sources for a few weeks. Change is good in this case if you want to overcome this obstacle.

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