Monday, December 19, 2011

For women only

The art of manipulating men
Saturday , December 17, 2011 at 12 : 04 

For women only (IBN live blogs)
5 tactics to get any man to do whatever you want. Guaranteed success rate. All you need to have is a little bit of timing and a lot of control.

1. The gift of the magi: There's been something that you've wanted for a very long time. It might be that expensive bag, or that 2-day trip. It has been on your mind and you do not know how to get it out of that man of yours. The best thing to do in this situation is to give him a gift. Yes, it may sound ludicrous but it will work. It need not put a hole in your pocket. It could be something small like a nice shirt or a new pair of shoes. It has to be something he needs and will love. It cannot be a perishable item like Godiva chocolates. Men do not see the value in that. As soon as a man gets a gift, he feels indebted! He feels he needs to pay it back as soon as possible. It is not grateful; this is what you should have done for me in any case thing that women feel. It is more of an "I need to repay her, the poor damsel." Hint: Do not make dinner. Because to men, that is what women should be doing for them in any case.

2. We are family: His whole family has to love you. You need to be the perfect bahu, the great confidant to the sister and the guy friend to the brothers. Once the whole family loves you, manipulation becomes easier because you have an entire "paltan" backing you up. It becomes more difficult for him to say no if there is a group asking him to do something.

3. The commitment phobic excuse: You want a commitment but the man says he is commitment phobic. Honestly, too many people hide behind that excuse when in reality they want to settle down. They are just unsure if "you're" the right person, not if they want a person. Nevertheless, you know. You know he needs you, and you know you want him forever. All it takes is a little pressure to make him see your point of view. However, you need to be strong for this because what you need to do is be nonchalant about getting married. Pretend as if you don't need it, you don't want it and its ok if it happens, if at all. Pretend to flirt with other guys on the phone and quickly put down the phone once he comes in and say, "Ya that was an old friend who is in town and wanted to catch up." Then go out for a few hours while wearing a really sexy dress and doing up your makeup and hair. Alternatively cut short a date and leave saying you need to catch up with an old friend who is having some girl trouble. Be fiercely independent, not needing his time, but needing help with a little pocket money. Men still feel important if they can "support" women in their endeavours. Even though we think men have evolved, they still need to be the one wearing the "pants." Go to a party where everyone knows you and loves you. Look absolutely smashing and make one of the guys say to your man in the restroom how lucky he is to have you. A little reminder from a stranger after all this puts things in perspective for him!

4. Drinking with the boys: You want to curb his going out with the boys, you need to do just the reverse, and you need to let him go. Encourage him to go. The ore you ignore his drinking habit, the more he will want to stay at home. In the meantime, once he gets home, let him catch you in the act of dancing around in your lingerie but never give in to his demands. Let him know how much fun you could have with him if he had just stayed at home. If after a while you see this is not having the exact effect you want start asking him post his drinking session, "What did you talk about? How is he doing? I heard from his girlfriend he is having trouble in bed because of that small penis." Men are visual too. He will not be able to laugh with the person again if he keeps thinking about that image. Slowly but steadily this bad habit will become a rare necessity in his life. Moreover, let him have his occasionally drinking sessions. Then he will think you are cool enough and he has enough "space" from you!

5.The sex goddess: Once you have his family eating out of your palm, his friends being your best buds and all your co-workers vouching for you, you need to prove to him what he's missing in bed if he doesn't have you. You have to transform from the girl next door to the wanton sex goddess that he craves. Remember that this needs to be done at a time when there is no sport on TV or if there is no work call, he is on. When he's watching a re-run, or on a romantic date out with him, or the time that he's very in to you, you need to grab the opportunity and hook the fish and reel him in. Use your powers in bed to make him want it forever. Do not complain about work stress, dirty clothes and unfinished chores. Be Lady Gaga; reinvent yourself so you are unrecognisable! Once he sees what an invaluable asset you are in his life, you can pat yourself on the back. Mission - Accomplished!

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