Excited students wiggle like puppies when they bestow gifts upon their teachers.

Their whole countenance reflects the true meaning of gift-giving: It really is better to give than to receive!

I have gushed over many a No. 1 teacher mug, chocolate bar and ceramic apple. However, my most valued "present" came from a third-grader who scrawled on a piece of scratch paper, "I promise to bake you a cake because I love you." I never received the cake, but I have framed the note.

This got me to thinking about the power of the written word and the emotion evoked by a handwritten letter. Knowing this Sunday is Mother's Day, how about writing one to mom? This is the woman who has reared you or is raising your children. It does not necessarily have to be a biological relationship.

Husbands, when was the last time you wrote your wife a love letter? If you're feeling especially imaginative, pen a poem or song! The mother of your children will enjoy seeing your penmanship on something other than the grocery list.

You can get ideas from some well-known, amorous poets such as Langston Hughes, Lord Byron or Emily Dickinson. Hallmark is good, but your feelings of love and gratitude inscribed on elegant stationery will become a treasured keepsake.

Grown-up children can pay tribute to a pivotal memory in which mom played the lead role. Did she teach you how to ride your bike or drive the car? Was she there in the delivery room, or

principal's office? What about the time she dried your eyes when you scraped your knee or rescued you from that tricky scrape with the law?

Teens and tweens might be keen on listing 10 things that make their mom number one or brainstorming some flattering adjectives that describe her. Get a little academic and pull out the thesaurus. Then use each worshiping word in a sentence. Add some artistic flair by rummaging through family pictures and making a collage.

Even very young sons and daughters can write letters to their beloved mother. Dad or older siblings can help. Ask little ones a few prompting questions and record their answers. Try "What makes mommy beautiful?" or "What's your favorite thing to do with mommy?" or "Why do you love mommy?"

Or you can help them with a fill-in-the-blank card about activities they do with their mothers. Write down their endearing answers and leave the artwork to them. Encourage a "signature" with pictures of mommy and the rest of the family.

Still bring on the flowers, candy and other tokens of appreciation. Make dinner, massage her shoulders and paint her toes. All these gestures will be accepted with much gratitude.

However, your letters dripping with expressive, heartfelt sentiments of love and admiration will fill mom's heart with contentment and joy. Be prepared for oceans of kisses upon receipt!

Contact Margaret Lavin at elementarydays@gmail.com.