50 Best Blogs for Brand New Dads
February 24th, 2011
By Dads
New or experienced, these dads offer advice from an insider's perspective.
- A Dad's Heart: Cameron discusses why being an involved dad is good for everyone.
- Out-Numbered: Jason Mayo is outnumbered by the ladies in his home.
- I'm the Dad, That's Why!: John shares fatherly advice on this blog.
- His Boys Can Swim: Tarzan and Jane share the story of their lives with Monkey.
- New Dads' Blog: New Dads' Blog chronicles one man's journey into fatherhood.
- The Newborn Identity: Mike shares his experiences as a stay at home dad who lost a child, but had another one.
- Dad of Divas: Find advice, information, and more for dads with little girls.
- Dude Knows Best: This blogger writes about being a dad and a dude.
- Daddy Mojo: Daddy Mojo has parenting support, tips, and stories.
- Daddy Types: Daddy Types is a blog for new dads.
- Dad in Real Life: Check out this blog for insight on being a real dad.
- Creative-Type Dad: This blogger discusses his life as a creative dad in LA.
- Life of a New Dad: This dad shares his life as a new dad who is now expecting twins.
- First Time Father: First Time Father has stories from the front line of fatherhood.
- When You Have a Kid Blog: Ed is a first time dad sharing the ways your life changes when you have a kid.
- A Blogger and a Father: This dad of two shares his experiences.
- Didn't Pull Out: A teen dad writes this blog about becoming a dad.
- The New Dad Blog: This first time dad writes about the joys and challenges of a new baby.
- Backpacking Dad: This dad carries his kids around in his backpack.
- New Dad Blog: Adam writes about being a dad, one step at a time.
- Puzzling Posts: Puzzling Posts is a dad's admission of cluelessness.
- The New Dad Blog 2: This dad writes about having two kids.
See fatherhood from the perspective of working dads in these blogs.
- The Daddy Dispatch: This writer by trade is a dad who wants to raise his kids to not be assholes.
- Commuter Daddy: Sean discusses his life as a dad on the go.
- The Busy Dad Blog: Jim offers a look at parenting through beer goggles.
- Workbench: Workbench is about fixing toys, building relationships, and more.
These dads get things done at home, whether the job is bringing home the bacon, taking care of the kids, or both.
- Cry It Out: Mike shares his thoughts as a stay at home dad.
- Beta Dad: Beta Dad is a stay at home dad with twin girls.
- At Home Dad: At Home Dad is an oasis for stay at home dads.
- LiteralDan: LiteralDan shares the musings of a work at home dad and freelance writer.
- Clark Kent's Lunchbox: Ron Mattocks has 5 kids and works from home.
- Real Men Drive Minivans: Read about fatherhood, family, and food from this dad.
- Daddy Dialectic: Daddy Dialectic is written by dads who stay at home to care for their kids.
- Sweet Juniper: Jim writes as a Gentleman of Elegant Leisure and dad.
- Daddy's Tired: Doug offers parenting advice as a diversion from all the excitement at home.
- DadCentric: This group of dads writes to overthrow outdated notions of fatherhood.
These dad bloggers are working hard to make fatherhood look cool.
- Pop Culture: Pop Culture shares the latest in parenting technology.
- Daddy Forever: Daddy Forever has four geeky kids in Oregon.
- Dorky Dad: Dorky Dad is where hope and testosterone go to die.
- GeekDad: GeekDad shares advice and information for raising geek generation 2.0.
- I Have to Wipe Their What?: Surfer Jay writes hilarious musings on being a dad.
Check out these blogs to find advice for fatherhood and parenting.
- DIY Father: DIY Father has a father's guide to parenting.
- Dad's House: Dad's House is all about parenting as a divorced single father.
- Frugal Dad: Frugal Dad makes frugal cool again.
- Dad Does: Dads offer product reviews and more on this blog.
- Book Dads: Find great resources for reading to your kids on Book Dads.
- Dads Adventure: Take on these adventures as a new dad.
- Parent Hacks: Read Parent Hacks to find ingenious parenting tips from actual parents.
- Parenting Advice: Families.com offers this blog with advice for parents.
- Parenting Blog: Parenting Blog discusses the best job in the world.
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