If you’re like me, moving is one of those things in life you dread, almost as much as death and taxes. Take heart, dear friend. It doesn’t have to be quite so bad after all. I have learned a few things about moving over the years that will lighten your load, both literally and figuratively. Allow me to share them with you. Here then are 10 tips to make your move easier:
  1. Condense all of your packing into one or two rooms, rather than having boxes spread out all over the house. Reducing the sense of scale for the move goes a long way in reducing stress.
  2. Start early. Don’t wait for the house to sell and you’re rushed. Pack things like seasonal clothing and holiday decorations right away. The more time you have to prepare, the less frantic your move will be.
  3. Label boxes clearly. List contents whenever feasible and designate their destination on the other end. It will make unpacking a whole lot easier. The labeling will also allow friends and family to be more helpful should they choose to volunteer their services for packing or unpacking.
  4. Pack light. It’s tempting to use fewer boxes in an effort to save space and trips. It will be a lot less work in the long run, though, if you keep the size and weight of each box to a minimum.
  5. When moving dressers, trunks or armoires, pack clothing back into them to conserve space. You can tape over the drawers and carry them separately on and off the truck.
  6. Use towels,and wash rags as padding for wrapping fragile goods. Place pillows and blankets around furniture and boxes of fragile items to keep them protected in the moving van.
  7. Make a list of all contacts you will need to send a change of address, and fill out a change of address form with the post office at least 2 weeks prior to your move date. Specify what date you wish to begin having your mail delivered to the new address.
  8. Pack an overnight bag. In the rush to get packed, it’s easy to forget those items you’ll be needing right away in your new home. Don’t forget necessities like a roll of toilet paper for your first night in the new house.
  9. Contact utilities ahead of time to advise of shut-off and turn-on dates for each home. Allow yourself enough time in the old home for cleaning before shutting off the water and power.
  10. Prepare maps and have 2-way radios or cellphones for all parties, when making a move in more than one vehicle. It ensures that everyone knows where they’re going, and can communicate during the transport phase of your move.
Of course, the less you have to move the better. Having a moving sale to eliminate some of the things that you really don’t need or want to move to another location can help decrease the amount of possessions that travel with you to the new home. A little preparation and planning goes a long way in making your move go smoothly
