Sunday, May 22, 2011

Looks on Women that Men Hate

According to a recent article on Shine a lot of the new popular looks for the spring are turn-offs for most men.
It’s unclear exactly how many men were polled and how the questions were asked.  Also different makeups look better or worse on depending on the woman.
These pictures show extreme circumstances so keep that in mind as well.

1. Heavy foundation and powders:

If too much is applied this can look pretty bad to a guy.  If the face is caked up and darkened while the girls neck shows her natural skin which is significantly lighter, there is a problem.  In general, some women try to cover every blemish and flaw up and it just looks bad.  Men like women who are secure and don’t need to coat their face.

2. “Bumps”:

These can look okay, depending on the girl. Henry Belanger, an editor at The Good Men Project. “Be wary of anything that makes your head look unnaturally large.”

3. Neon lipstick:

“Orange lips are definitely a departure from what we’re used to and not necessarily something a lot of guys I know really respond to just quite yet,” say fashion blogger John Januzzi of Lucky and the fashion website, Textbook.  Maybe over time this will become more common and accepted, but anything away from the norm in terms of lipstick can be a turn-off for most guys but some may like it.

Too many Cheetos.

4. Too-thin brows:

My pet peeve is overly plucked eyebrows,” says David Swanson, Maxim’s Features Editor.”I mean, really? It’s basically an advertisement that naturally you’re hairier than Robin Williams. If it looks natural, we’d never have to wonder.”  Women just need to make sure they don’t go overboard when trimming the brows.

Whoopi, wheres’ your eyebrows?

5. Bold eye-shadow:

Again, this can look good if the woman knows what she’s doing.  Though too much just slathered all over can make you look like this.

6. Rosy cheeks:

“I think guys generally prefer the kind of make-up you don’t notice is there, and since there’s a lot that guys don’t notice I think women have a lot of leeway.”  Subtly, less is more here.

7. Two-toned Lips:

The article mentions Kim Mathers as being famous for this.  One guy said “When I see thin lines drawn around a pair of lips, I think: Is this part of some gang initiation rite?

8. Glitter:

Be careful with glitter, that stuff can get everywhere.  Weeks later you may discover a piece on your face.  Be liberal with it Ke$ha.

A few things more:

9. Those Huge Bug Eye Sunglasses

These things can only look ridiculous as they huge glasses can cover up half of your face.  They became popular in the 80′s, let’s keep them there.

10. Hair with the Shaved Sides

Not sure if men like this or what, but it certainly is strange.  Will this catch on?  Will little girls be asking for this when they get their cut?

11. Too much Lipstick

The picture below can make men shudder.  Nuff said.

Basically, I’m glad to be a guy so I don’t have to worry about this crap.  We just need to dress nice, and maybe comb our hair.

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