Hugh Hefner: Crystal Harris 'Runaway Bride' On 'Playboy' Cover

Huffington Post Anna Bahr First Posted: 06/16/11 08:40 PM ET Updated: 06/16/11 10:34 PM ET
Whether it's a slick marketing ploy or the actions of a scorned lover, there's no question that Hugh Hefner's latest move brilliantly addresses the recent events in his personal life.
In a last-minute move, Hefner has amended the July issue of Playboy to reflect the breakup between him and his fiance Crystal Harris, who have been engaged since December, 2010.
Indeed, Hefner was so confident in the success of his upcoming nuptials with the Playmate, who is sixty years his junior, that he featured her on the cover of the current issue of Playboy. The magazine cover, which screams "America's Princess" in fire-engine-red type above a headline that reads, "Introducing Mrs. Crystal Hefner" pictures a nude Harris lounging in Hefner's signature smoking jacket and captain's hat. Inside is a a photo spread of Harris. It was to be the first time Harris, 24, would appear on the cover.
But since news of the couple's split broke on Tuesday, the cover has been (creatively) amended withenormous stickers covering the majority of Harris' body that read "Runaway Bride In This Issue!"
"Get this collectors issue on newsstands now!" declares
Harris, for her part, has been doing her own self-promotion--in her first interview since the couple announced their breakup via Twitter, Harris stated, "It was mutual between Hef and I...he understood and we both agreed that it wasn't the best idea to get married." Hef immediately fired back, tweeting, "Crystal did an interview with Ryan Seacrest this morning to explain everything, but I still don't have a clue."
During the interview, Harris promoted her single "Club Queen," (coincidentally?) released the same day that news of the failed engagement broke, and commented on the split saying, "For awhile I've been having second thoughts about everything...I haven't really been at peace with myself lately.