Thursday, December 20, 2012

10 reasons why breasts are awesome

Dec 21, 2012, 12.00AM IST ANI (From The Times of India-mobile)

10 reasons why breasts are awesome (Thinkstock photos/Getty Images)
Video blogger Emily Hartridge, who's laugh-out-loud videos on topics ranging from why men cheat to why it's a good idea to get married have made her become an internet sensation, has taken up the topic of boobs this time.

"Hello lesbians, perverts, anyone who appreciates the female upper body. This topic is just for you," the Daily Mail quoted her as saying.

Her first reason for why breasts are so marvellous is that "babies get free food from them".

Reason two is "bras are an amazing place to store things, so we don't need to carry a bag with us".

Reason five is "Boobs can really help in a job interview... but only if the person interviewing you is a man or a lesbian".

Reason six is defined as "If you're having an ugly day you can detract the attention from your face'.

Another reason is "After a long hard day at work nothing is as comforting a resting place for our weary heads as the cushion of a bosom".

She names reason ten as "Boobs are pretty good for getting you laid".

This is illustrated as she dances with Chris, knocks him out with a boob, then drags him up to her bedroom.

"Hi, I'm Emily, I take a wry look at the top 10 reasons why... a weekly show that proves that everything in the world can be explained with 10 reasons. You might not agree with everything I say and that's fine, my only intention is to provide you all with some much needed light entertainment," says the description of her video.

After discussing the 10 reasons boobs are awesome, Emily then discusses some of the comments on her video and shows some funny outtakes.

The 10 reasons why boobs are awesome are:

Babies get free food from them
Bras are an amazing place to store things, so we don't need to carry a bag with us
They're pretty fun for boys to play with
Scientifically boobs are very important to keep a girl standing upright
Boobs can really help in a job interview
If you're having an ugly day you can detract the attention form your face
Only women get to have them
Boobs have phenomenal powers to control men
After a long hard day at work nothing is as comforting a resting place for our weary heads as the cushion of a bosom
Boobs are pretty good for getting you laid.

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