10 Best Dogs for Home Security

- Doberman. These sleek black dogs are some of the most commonly used as guard dogs. Their dark color, pointed ears and large fangs are intimidating enough to look at, in themselves. These dogs can be well trained and become vicious in defending their territory. They are fast on their feet, and their bark is not nearly as bad as their bite. Their very presence on your property will deter most intruders from trying to venture closer.
- Rottweiler. With the same intimidating coloring as a Doberman, the Rottweiler has an even stronger physical presence and a well-known reputation as a guard dog. Their deep bark provides plenty of warning to an intruder; telling them that they will not have easy time entering your home.
- German Shepherd. It is the wolf-like appearance of the shepherd that is its first defense, but its looks are no bluff. These dogs have a very protective nature towards its owners and will not hesitate to defend them if they believe there is a threat. Their reputation for use in law enforcement has earned them a strong reputation as the defenders of justice.
- Bulldog. Cartoons have often used the bulldog as the typical watch dog character. Its strong jaw and broad shoulders make this breed much more of a guard dog than a watch dog, however. They are more likely to growl than to bark. It is their menacing looks, and the ability to back them up with brute strength, that are its greatest assets.
- Bullmastiff. This breed is a cross between the bulldog and the mastiff. It has the larger size of the mastiff and head of the bulldog. They are fast and very protective of their owners. They can be quite playful with children in spite of their strengths as a guard dog.
- Schnauzer. This breed has longer hair than those listed previously and may not be one that would immediately come to your mind as a dog for protection. However, they are actually very highly rated. A giant Schnauzer carries top rankings in both the guard dog and watch dog categories. They are big and strong enough to defend against intruders and will also raise a loud outcry with their bark before anyone gets close enough to cause harm.
- Terriers. All the various breeds of Terriers are highly rated as watch dogs. If you don’t want a dog that barks a lot, then don’t choose a terrier. It is one of their traits that can be considered both a positive and a negative, depending on the situation.
- Poodles. Poodles for security? That’s right. A Standard Poodle is quite a large dog and can hold its own, in spite of its curly hair-do. All poodles will provide you with an excellent alarm system, however. They will hear and announce a presence outside the house, long before you would hear a sound.
- Shih Tzu. These furry, long-haired little dogs may do be able to do much damage to an intruder, but like the poodle, they are a terrific alarm system.
- Chihuahua. The tiny, delicate Chihuahua makes it to the list, as well. Their sharp barks accompany their high-strung nature. They will be sure to let you know when there is a stranger around and won’t usually be silenced until you can assure them that all is safe and well.
Canine security comes in many shapes and sizes. They all do need to be fed, walked and trained. They have their own expenses, just like an electronic system, but they are much softer to the touch.
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