Monday, March 14, 2011

When you are looking for a home in a new town or city, it can be difficult to know where to find good friendly neighborhoods to live in. As you look at potential homes, take note of some of the following signs of a great neighborhood to see if they apply to the area you are looking in.

  1. Children playing in the yards. This is a very simple sign to pick up on if you are paying attention. If you see children outside playing in the yards of a neighborhood, that is a good sign that it is a neighborhood where parents feel their children are safe. Happy, playful children are  generally a sign of a great neighborhood to be a part of.
  2. Green space. Are there parks or walking trails close to the neighborhood? Is there plenty of activity going on in the parks and are they well cared for? These are all signs of a neighborhood that has people who are active and enjoying life.
  3. Well kept lawns. They don’t have to be perfectly landscaped and manicured but if homeowners take care of their lawns and homes, this shows a certain pride of ownership and good character. If they have respect for their own property, they are more likely to have respect for yours as well.
  4. Activity on the sidewalks. Are there people out walking their dogs or jogging? Are there neighbors talking to each other as they pass one another in the neighborhood? These types of activities are good signs of a healthy and friendly environment.
  5. Neighborhood watch signs. You’ve probably seen these blue and white signs in people’s windows. They are evidence that the neighbors have gotten together and agreed to keep an eye out for each other. Participation in these types of proactive programs is a very positive sign.
  6. Neighborhood garage sales. When several households within a neighborhood get together to have a neighborhood garage sale, this is a sign of good community relationships within that neighborhood.
  7. Good schools. Check out the ratings on the schools for the neighborhood. Do the schools have plenty of extracurricular participation? Do they have consistently high test scores from their students? Good schools are part of a good neighborhood.
  8. Block parties. Are there annual block parties held in the neighborhood? This is another sign of a sense of community within a neighborhood. It generally means a low turnover rate within the neighborhood as well.
  9. Low crime rate. Check on the crime statistics for the neighborhood. How many serious crimes happened there during the last year? Hopefully only one or two, if any.
  10. Long term residents. Are there a lot of homes for sale in the neighborhood? That would not be a positive sign. A good neighborhood keeps its residents. People don’t want to leave a place where they feel comfortable and safe.
It generally isn’t too hard to recognize a really great neighborhood, it just has a good feel to it when you drive through. It is a combination of all these little clues that communicate that a neighborhood is a place where people are happy to call it home.

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