Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Technology brings great opportunity to our lives. Sometimes great opportunities can also become our vices. Using the web can definitely end up in both categories. Here are 10 signs that you may be on the web too much.
  1. You are falling asleep at the computer. One minute you’re browsing your RSS feed. The next minute you find yourself waking up with drool on your keyboard. It’s time to shut the computer down and sleep where God intended, in your bed.
  2. Electronic conversations with your spouse. Is the only way your spouse can talk to you is via email or facebook chat? If you claim you don’t have enough time in your day to spend quality time with your spouse, but are often found chatting with her online it might be time to unplug.
  3. You start talking in acronyms. When you start sending TY(thank you) notes, saying OMG(oh my god) regularly and saying goodbye as TTYL(talk to you later), it’s time to spend more time talking to real live people in complete wordage. I’ll BRB(be right back) with the next suggestion.
  4. You can’t remember the last time you talked to someone face to face. Being on the world wide web isn’t necessarily getting out. It’s time to meet the neighbors. You know those people who you try and avoid talking to when you get the mail. I know, scary thought.
  5. Your real life conversation revolves around blogs you read. If all your conversations center around your online community, you need to get out more. Virtual life doesn’t equal real life. Go make some real stories!
  6. All your news comes from places that end in .com. Not that getting your news online is a bad thing. They probably have the same thing as on TV, but with more options. Just make sure the options you are browsing aren’t limited to the news sources that agree with your view.
  7. You follow 50+ blogs and aren’t behind on reading any of them. It’s fun to see what other people around the world are up to and even gain some knowledge. Be choosy about what blogs you read. Sure there is a lot of good information out there, but you don’t need to read all of it. Be selective. Know how to set limits for yourself.
  8. You only play electronic games with your kids. The only quality time you get with your kids shouldn’t be when you play games with them on the computer. Playing games on the computer is fun, but it’s not cool if that is the only interaction your kids get from you. They need some face to face time. Let’s play Go Fish with real cards this time.
  9. You keep all your comments to 140 characters or less. Are you twitterpated? If you catch yourself trying to shorten what you say in conversations of real life, you might be spending to much time on the web. Let it all out, this is your chance.
  10. Your kids say “You should tweet that”. If your kids constantly say you should tweet that, or you should put that on facebook, it’s time to stop telling the whole world wide web your life and actually live it.
There’s more to life than the world wide web, although you can learn a great deal about our world from it. Using a tool like the web is a great thing, but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Balance your life online with life in the real world. It’ll make you a more well-rounded person.

(Source: internetserviceproviders.net)

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