============================================================================== Brussels, March 17 (DPA) Civilians are starting to leave Libya as Muammar Gaddafi's regime prepares for a final showdown with rebel forces, the European Union's top humanitarian official said Thursday, warning of an impending refugee crisis.
So far, humanitarian efforts have focused on providing temporary shelter and repatriation to the hundreds of thousands of foreign workers - mainly Africans and Asians - who were working in Libya.
But if Libyan themselves were to join the exile, Arab and EU neighbouring countries would have to accommodate them as permanent refugees.
'Of course we pray for the best, but we must be prepared for the worst, worst being a massive flight of refugees and many victims of violence inside the country,' EU Humanitarian Aid Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva told a news conference in Brussels.
While in previous weeks 'we had been dealing primarily with migrant workers looking for a ticket to go home, now we are facing the first symptoms of a potential bigger refugee' crisis, Georgieva said.
She pointed out that for the moment the numbers of Libyans leaving was small - about 8,000 were recorded a few days ago - mainly through the Egyptian border, which is closest to the rebel stronghold of Benghazi.
Larger numbers could come, but Georgieva said 'a scenario under which a million people' would need to be evacuated 'is very unlikely, as many would prefer, even under continuous fighting, to not leave.'
So far 280,000 people have fled - 140,000 through Tunisia, 120,000 through Egypt, close to 11,000 through Algeria and 3,500 through Niger, Georgieva said.
Migratory flow from Libya are being watched with apprehension in Italy, which in recent days has seen a resumption of migrant landings on its tiny Southern island of Lampedusa.
EU Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said she spoke on the phone to Italian Interior Minister Roberto Maroni and, in a statement, declared herself 'very concerned about developments'.
She urged Italy to offer asylum to all who need it, but also signalled that Brussels 'stands ready to help and support Member States that are or might be confronted with an increased influx of migrants'.
Georgieva called on EU states to provide more help to Libya's neighbours in North Africa. She said that out of a total $160-million needs estimate by the UN, the bloc had provided 71 million euros ($100 million), plus 17 million euros in in-kind assistance.
'We are prepared to increase funding commensurate to the needs,' the commissioner assured. |
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