Monday, March 7, 2011


What's the Best Wine With...
No more confusion. We squeezed wine experts until they answered our most pressing questions
Is there a right temp for wine?

Yes. A wine's temperature is a bit like ours: A few degrees's difference can take it from OK to Oh, yeah! Most reds taste best between 55 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit, whites between 41 and 48. To hit these ranges, remove chilled whites from the fridge 20 minutes before serving; cool room-temp reds in an ice bucket for 10 minutes. 

Says who Anthony Giglio, author of the forthcoming Food & Wine Magazine Wine Guide 2009
Why it matters White wine isn't as flavorful when it's cold, and sipping it too chilled numbs your palate. Too-warm red wine may taste bitter and alcohol-y. Check out WH's Wine Glossary.
Does the "white with fish, red with meat" rule hold water? 

No. The color of wine is less important than its origins and overall characteristics, to decide which is the best wine with particular meats . Lighter-bodied reds, like Oregon pinot noirs and chilled Sicilians, won't overpower salmon or swordfish steaks, and Alsatian whites and California chardonnays are heavy enough for pork or even beef. 

Says who André H. Mack, corporate beverage director and sommelier of the Fireman Hospitality Group in New York City

Why it matters This rule made sense when whites were light and fruity and reds were heavy and intense, but times--and wines--have changed. Take a sip from all of WH's White & Red Wine Recommendations.
Corks or screwcaps?

Screwcaps. Traditionalist wine experts may scoff, but wine stays purer under a screwcap than under any other closure. In New Zealand alone, screwcap use has risen from zero to an estimated 90 percent in five years.

Says who Co Dinn, director of winemaking for Hogue Cellars in Prosser, Washington.
Why it matters Cork bark is riddled with natural imperfections, so it can leak or impart flavors to a wine. Failure rates are 2 to 12 percent.
Does letting wine breathe really do anything?

Yes. Oxygen does the same thing for wine that it does for you during a quick run: helps it loosen up (for wine, that often results in a more intense flavor). Not convinced? Pour half a bottle into a carafe, decanter, or generous-size glass and let it sit for up to 15 minutes before drinking. Then compare it with a glass from a freshly uncorked bottle. You'll notice more flavor in the wine that got air.

Says who Karen MacNeil, author of The Wine Bible and chair of the wine studies program at the Culinary Institute of America

Why it matters More complex wines, usually reds, benefit the most from breathing. Cabernet sauvignon, merlot, and syrah are three in particular that can taste harsh right out of the bottle. Letting them breathe will help them mellow out a little--and then you can do the same

(source: women's health)

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