Wednesday, March 9, 2011


If your home uses natural gas for your furnace, water heater, stove and dryer then any change in usage can have a big affect on your bill.  It really doesn’t take long for those extra loads of laundry or really cold days to make that gas meter move so fast.  At the time, you may not even give it much thought, since you are trying to get warm.  However, you will certainly notice it once the bill comes.  If you haven’t given any thought to what increases your gas bill, here are ten reason that might apply to your situation.
  1. Increase cost of gas. The cost of natural gas to the gas company is going to fluctuate.  When it goes up the rate we pay as consumers will also increase. There are many reasons that contribute to that cost. If you feel your rate may have changed, a simple phone call to your gas supplier can verify that for you.
  2. Demands Of Winter. Colder temperatures will do more than raise the demand for heat in the furnace.  It can also affect the need for more hot meals. If you live where it is hard to get outside due to the snow then you may also mean you eat at home when you might otherwise go out for dinner some nights. It may also mean more use of the oven for baking, especially around the holidays.
  3. Old Appliances. Appliances are a major investment for any homeowner.  Naturally most of us will not replace them any sooner than necessary.  But they can get more inefficient as they get older and consume more energy.  It is always a good idea to at least review their age and the last time they were replaced on a regular basis.
  4. Leaks Around Windows And Doors. It is always a good idea if you know you will use our air conditioner or heater a great deal for a particular season to inspect windows and doors for possible leaks.  If they have large gaps that allow for heat to escape constantly it can certainly add to the time it takes to heat your home.  The gas company can provide help if you need assistance in this area.
  5. Extra Use Of Hot Water. Demands for extra showers or baths, washing dishes or other needs.  While this will vary from time to time you always have to be willing to determine if you usage is wasteful.
  6. Extra Use Of Gas Dryer. There might be a given month that you have more clothes than normal to dry.  Perhaps you have outside clothes lines for use in summer, but not in winter.   Many different reasons can contribute to why you had more clothes to dry.
  7. More Household Members. Relatives visiting during a vacation or some son or daughter returning home can add to your use of natural gas.  It might not seem like a problem at the time, yet it can happen so easy.  You can’t always control that part in terms of need, but it is something that will affect your cost.
  8. Additional Cooking. Lots of things may influence how many meals you have to make on your stove.  Plus there are times like Christmas when you may do more baking.  There are also all the usual holidays where extra meals might be prepared for larger groups.
  9. Meter Problems. Although this may never happen, there are occasions when a meter may become defective.  If you have any concerns it is best to contact the gas company for assistance. Comparing meter usage from one month to the next is also a good idea.
  10. Inefficient Furnace. Having a furnace with ducts that leak or it is not turning off when required can certainly add considerably to your costs. It is something that might be worth having your furnace inspected before the winter to check for any possible problems
Taking the time to examine all the ways your gas usage can be improved is something everyone should consider.  There are so many small ways you can enhance the way you save on how much gas you have to use in a given month.


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