Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Is Shourie batting for a vested interest in 2G Scam?

BJP leader Arun Shourie has become an aprover of sorts in the investigations of 2G Scam. He says that he had supplied all the incriminating information that are now being investigated by the CBI to none other then the prime miniter Manmohan Singh way back in in 2008. But the government did not do anthing about it. That makes Shourie the original whistle blower of the 2G Scam. 
Shourie was questioned by the CBI this week. He was forthright with the media about what transpired between him and slueths: “I pointed out to them (the CBI) the things which were to happen in accordance with Cabinet decisions never happened neither during Maran term and certainly not under Raja. And they never went back to the Cabinet for changing the decision. That is the telling point…Real issue is money was exchanged.”

He says that CBI is basically trying to divert attention from the role of the government by question top industralists in 2G Scam. According to him, the real problem is within the government and perhaphs the absence of institutional safeguards to check rampant exchange of money for exchange of favours for undeserving . He was critical of the Shivraj Patil Committee report calling it ‘flawed’ and present Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal thesis that 2G Scam caused zero loss to the exchequer as “a cover-up exercise.” He was happy with CBI investigation on the money trail aspect: “Who took the money, who was favoured and what were the manipulations done by the officials?” he says. This will reveal the countours of 2G spectrum allocation that makes it such a big scam.

This indicates that Shourie is batting for the corporate at the cost of government. It is also worth investigating and a very pertinent point here: how come Shourie got those incriminating telecom papers much before anyone else that he promptly dispatched to the prime minister? The intensions might be clear, but is Shourie himself is batting for one of the many vested interests involved in the back door adjustments pending 2G Scam investigation? Shourie muct come clea
on this.


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