Thursday, March 17, 2011

Taiwan News: detects radioactive particles on 25 Japan-returned travellers

Taiwan detects radioactive particles on 25 Japan-returned travellers

2011-03-17 17:00:00
Taiwan's nuclear regulator, the Atomic Energy Council, has reportedly detected radioactive particles on 25 passengers arriving on an aircraft from Japan.

Radioactive particles have been leaking following explosions at the quake-hit Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear power plant in Japan.
The council said that a day after scanning equipment was set up at three major airports, over 4,400 people arriving from Japan had been tested and 25 were found to carry radioactive particles.
"Most of the radioactive particles were discovered on their shoes or clothes," quoted an official, as saying.

"All were allowed to leave after they had changed shoes or clothes or had the affected items washed with water," the official added.
According to reports, specialist military units trained in nuclear defence were deployed at the three airports.

Taiwan has also begun screening food imported from Japan for radioactivity.

Radioactive particles, can be absorbed through inhalation and the skin, and depending on the length and intensity of exposure, can be deadly.

If the body sustains a massive dose of radiation within a very short time, then the results can be deadly within hours or days. (ANI)


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