Wednesday, March 16, 2011

10 Reasons People Give for Not Getting Married

Marriage is one of the biggest commitments in life, and as the divorce rate shows, it’s also one of the hardest things to make work. Now more than ever, people are waiting longer to get married and even avoiding the institution of marriage altogether. Here are 10 reasons people give for not getting married:
  1. They Enjoy Their Freedom: Single people enjoy their freedom and many of them aren’t willing to give that up for marriage. Marriage can put a damper on your level of spontaneity and freedom to do whatever you want. You are no longer able to take a last minute trip to Las Vegas with your buddies, or stay out to the wee hours of the morning without telling your significant other where you are and when you’ll be home.
  2. They Don’t Want to Conform to Society: Many single people are opposed to getting married because they don’t want to conform to society and give into pressures from family and friends. To many people, marriage is just paperwork and an unnecessary formality that society tells us we eventually have to do. Singles argue that you can have just as meaningful of a relationship with someone you love without getting a marriage certificate.
  3. Finances Become Complicated: Money is one of the most common reasons people choose not to get married. Married people have the benefit of joining two incomes and receiving tax breaks, but many single people see this as a negative. Your money is now his or her money and vice versa. Money, or lack thereof, is the main cause of marital arguments. Single people don’t like the idea of having to watch their spending or having to feed more than one mouth.
  4. They Don’t Want to Divorce: Many people avoid marriage because they don’t want to become another divorce statistic. Single people see how many marriages fail around them and are turned off by the idea of marriage even more. They don’t want to go through all of the trouble of getting married if their chance of marital success is only 50 percent.
  5. They Love Their Careers: Many single people choose not to get married because they’re already married to their careers. Work takes precedence in many people’s lives and leaves little room for demanding relationships. And some people value a successful career much more than a potentially successful marriage.
  6. The Cherish Their Independence: People often avoid marriage because they don’t want to give up their independence. Many singles love having their own space and alone time and aren’t willing to sacrifice that. They don’t want to lose sight of their hobbies and interests because they have to tend to their husband or wife. When you’re single, you don’t have to answer to anyone but yourself, and a lot of people like to keep it that way.
  7. They Already Have it All: Some people already have everything they could want with a significant other that they don’t see the point in getting married. Many couples already live together, have a child together and live off of two incomes. They can enjoy all of the benefits of having a wife or husband without ever getting legally married.
  8. They’re Too Young: Many single people avoid marriage because they think they’re too young to say, “I do.” Young adults are waiting to get married until they’re older because they aren’t mature enough or financially ready to take on the responsibilities of marriage now. Whether they’ve witnessed too many divorces or are freaked out by the idea of marriage, more and more singles aren’t taking a trip down the aisle.
  9. Marriage is All About Compromise: Singles choose not to get married because they aren’t ready or willing to compromise with one person for the rest of their lives. Many people feel like marriage is all about doing what the other person wants you to do in order to keep them happy and off your back. Singles aren’t ok with the idea of discussing every small decision, and trying to reach an agreement just to stop the nagging.
  10. They’re Still Waiting for Their Soul Mate: Many people avoid marriage because they’re still waiting to find their soul mate. This soul mate may be someone who feels the exact same way about marriage, or just someone who doesn’t care if you spend your entire weekend glued to the TV or have an addiction to buying shoes. They’re going to stick it out until they find that special someone.

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